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Approved July 2018
As part of the review process, review letters will be solicited from students and external reviewers. All faculty members have a right to view any reviewer's evaluations submitted in connection with the faculty member's proposed promotion and tenure or promotion in rank. However some faculty prefer to waive the right to review evaluation materials requested from on-campus and off-campus reviewers. Faculty may execute the waiver if they choose to do so. However, it is not required, though faculty must still sign to indicate their choice. For more details, please see the "Waiver of Access" section of the OSU Promotion & Tenure Guidelines (see link above). In practice, "viewing" or "accessing" students' or reviewers' evaluations means reading those documents in the office of the Library Administration Executive Assistant. Candidates do receive a complete digital copy of their dossier (including external and student review letters if waiver not executed) when dossier goes to Senior Review Panel.
If a candidate receives credit toward tenure as part of the Dean of Libraries’ hiring offer (documented in the offer of employment letter), previous publications and service will be considered by the P&T Committee as part of the review process. The credit toward tenure will be further clarified in a meeting between the candidate, the candidate’s supervisor, the Dean of Libraries, and the P&T Committee chair within the first 1-3 months of the candidate’s start date. The meeting notes will be captured by the P&T Committee Chair in a letter that connects the number of years of credit toward tenure granted by the Dean of Libraries to the relevant scholarship and service applicable for consideration. The meeting letter is shared with the relevant parties after the meeting, and is subsequently shared by the candidate with the P&T Committee during the midterm and final dossier submission review processes. It is the candidate’s responsibility to retain and submit the meeting letter to the P&T Committee prior to their mid-term review as well as prior to their promotion to associate professor and indefinite tenure review. It is the candidate’s responsibility to articulate the impact of the scholarship for which they are credited. The P&T Committee will consider previous publications and service as documented in the letter during the promotion and tenure review processes, however, the P&T Committee retains the right to determine that the publications and service credited do or do not demonstrate sufficient impact and contribution to the profession.
These guidelines should be reviewed annually by the OSULP Promotion & Tenure Committee to ensure compliance with OSU guidelines and to make necessary and timely revisions. Updates should be approved by LFA by May 30 of each year to be in effect for the next cycle of dossier preparation and review.
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- demonstrated effectiveness in teaching (see specific Teaching criteria), advising, service, and other assigned duties;
- achievement in scholarship and creative activity that establishes the individual as a significant contributor to the field or profession, with potential for distinction (see specific Scholarship criteria);
- appropriate balance of institutional and professional service (see specific Service criteria).
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- distinction in librarianship, as evident in continuing development and sustained effectiveness in areas such as new and innovative teaching (see specific Teaching criteria), curricular development, innovative tools and applications, or new programs and initiatives
- distinction in scholarship and should produce a body of scholarship that demonstrates a consistent commitment to research (see specific Scholarship criteria). This body of work should extend the faculty member's research program to reflect collaboration beyond the OSU Libraries, a recognized reputation for expertise, significant impact on scholarship and practice in the relevant fields, and a willingness to tackle challenging topics. All the pieces should form a cohesive picture of the faculty member as a librarian and a researcher.
- exemplary leadership in institutional and professional service, and an appropriate balance between the two (see specific Service criteria).
- NOTE: Approved January 6, 2016
- NOTE: If a faculty member goes up for full professor, but is not granted the promotion, there is no penalty. The associate professor may try again after a suitable amount of time, if they so choose.
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- have a graduate degree appropriate to the assigned duties, or comparable educational or professional experience;
- have special skills or experience needed in the unit;
- have an exceptional record of achievement in the assigned duties (including teaching; see specific Teaching Criteria).
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- have a sustained record of exceptional achievement and evidence of professional growth and innovation in assigned duties (including teaching; see specific Teaching criteria).
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- distinction in librarianship, as evident in continuing development and sustained effectiveness in areas such as new and innovative teaching (see specific Teaching criteria), curricular development, innovative tools and applications, or new programs and initiatives
- distinction in scholarship and should produce a body of scholarship that demonstrates a consistent commitment to research (see specific Scholarship criteria). This body of work should extend the faculty member's research program to reflect collaboration beyond the OSU Libraries, a recognized reputation for expertise, significant impact on scholarship and practice in the relevant fields, and a willingness to tackle challenging topics. All the pieces should form a cohesive picture of the faculty member as a librarian and a researcher.
- exemplary leadership in institutional and professional service, and an appropriate balance between the two (see specific Service criteria).
- NOTE: Approved January 6, 2016
- NOTE: If a faculty member goes up for full professor, but is not granted the promotion, there is no penalty. The associate professor may try again after a suitable amount of time, if they so choose.
Faculty Research Assistant to Senior Faculty Research Assistant I; the candidate must:
- have a graduate degree appropriate to the field in which the research activities are performed, or comparable educational or professional experience;
- demonstrate a high level of competence, achievement, and potential in research, or serve effectively in a position requiring high individual responsibility or special professional expertise;
- demonstrate a high degree of initiative in research and leadership among research colleagues in the department, as documented in authorship, management responsibilities, and creative approaches to research.
- If the duties include teaching, see specific Teaching criteria.
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- have a graduate degree appropriate to the assigned duties, or comparable educational or professional experience;
- have special skills or experience needed in the unit;
- have an exceptional record of achievement in the assigned duties (including teaching; see specific Teaching Criteria)sustained record of exceptional achievement and evidence of professional growth and innovation in assigned duties.
- If the duties include teaching, see specific Teaching criteria.
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- have a sustained record of exceptional achievement and evidence of professional growth and innovation in assigned duties (including teaching; see specific Teaching criteria).
- have a graduate degree appropriate to the field in which the research activities are performed, or comparable educational or professional experience;
- demonstrate a high level of competence, achievement, and potential in research, or serve effectively in a position requiring high individual responsibility or special professional expertise;
- demonstrate a high degree of initiative in research and leadership among research colleagues in the department, as documented in authorship, management responsibilities, and creative approaches to research.
- If the duties include teaching, see specific Teaching criteria.
- have a sustained record of exceptional achievement and evidence of professional growth and innovation in assigned duties.
- If the duties include teaching, see specific Teaching criteria.
While OSU Libraries’ faculty members have a wide variety of professional duties, we share one goal: to help all members of the OSU community find, organize, share, and use the information they need to create new knowledge. Working directly and indirectly with students, faculty, staff, alumni and the broader community served by Oregon’s land grant university, the library faculty makes significant contributions to the teaching mission and learning environment of the university. Library faculty members work independently, and in partnership with OSU colleges, departments, and programs to accomplish these goals.
The OSU Libraries serve a broad and diverse community, including students, staff, faculty, professional colleagues, and the public. We tailor the content of our instruction and its delivery to meet the needs of these multiple populations.
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While OSU Libraries’ faculty members have a wide variety of professional duties, we share one goal: to help all members of the OSU community find, organize, share, and use the information they need to create new knowledge. Working directly and indirectly with students, faculty, staff, alumni and the broader community served by Oregon’s land grant university, the library faculty makes significant contributions to the teaching mission and learning environment of the university. Library faculty members work independently, and in partnership with OSU colleges, departments, and programs to accomplish these goals.
The OSU Libraries serve a broad and diverse community, including students, staff, faculty, professional colleagues, and the public. We tailor the content of our instruction and its delivery to meet the needs of these multiple populations.
The faculty member’s position responsibilities determine the appropriate audience for their teaching activities. Some faculty members work directly with undergraduate and graduate students, building their research skills. Some provide professional development to OSU faculty and researchers. Others will focus on library audiences, internally to build the capacities of library staff and externally teaching LIS courses and leading workshops for professional colleagues. We also teach members of the public, share information resources, and inform policy makers.
- The P&T Committee begins its review of the dossier.
- If the candidate has been granted credit toward tenure at hire, the review will generally take into consideration recent scholarship and professional service completed prior to the candidate's appointment at OSU, insofar as that work is clearly connected to the research agenda and service portfolio the candidate has developed as a faculty member at OSULP. For example, generally 1 year of credit will correspond to publications and service in the year prior to hire; generally 2 years of credit will correspond to publications and service in the 2 years prior to hire. For specifics, the For specifics, the P&T Committee should refer to the letterCredit Toward Tenure Letter, supplied by the candidate, documenting the prior-credit meeting between the candidate, the supervisor, the P&T Chair, and the Dean of Libraries.
- The P&T Committee will prepare a letter that comments on key points in the dossier and address addresses all responsibilities identified in the position description. The letter should include an evaluation of progress towards promotion and tenure, which includes the primary assignment, as well as recommended actions the faculty member and department should take. The review will include the candidate's dossier, the peer review of teaching summary letter, and the peer student review of teaching summary letter.
- The supervisor begins their review of the dossier. If the direct supervisor is not tenured or non-tenure track, then the appropriate Associate Dean will write the evaluation letter in consultation with the direct supervisor. The letter should include an evaluation of progress towards promotion and tenure, which includes the primary assignment, as well as recommended actions the faculty member and department should take. The review will include the candidate's dossier, the peer review of teaching summary letter, and the peer student review of teaching summary letter.
- The P&T Committee begins its review of the dossier and all signed letters of input, excluding the supervisor's letter.
- If the candidate has been granted credit toward tenure at hire, the review will generally take into consideration recent scholarship and professional service completed prior to the candidate's appointment at OSU, insofar as that work is clearly connected to the research agenda and service portfolio the candidate has developed as a faculty member at OSULP. For example,generally 1 year of credit will correspond to publications and service in the year prior to hire; generally 2 years of credit will correspond to publications and service in the 2 years prior to hire. For specifics, the P&T Committee should refer to the letterCredit Toward Tenure Letter, supplied by the candidate, documenting the prior-credit meeting between the candidate, the supervisor, the P&T Chair, and the Dean of Libraries.
- The P&T Committee will prepare a letter that evaluates the relative strengths and weaknesses of the candidate's performance. The letter should comment on key points in the dossier and address all responsibilities identified in the position description, and provide a fair and balanced summary of all peer and external solicited evaluations. The review will include the candidate's dossier, the peer review of teaching summary letter, the student review of teaching summary letter, and the six external review letters. External evaluators should be identified only by a coded key when their comments are cited from these confidential letters. The voting members of the P&T Committee, those members at or above the professorial rank the candidate is seeking to attain, shall vote to recommend promotion and tenure and that recommendation shall be documented in the letter. The letter must include a description of the process used to constitute the committee.
- The supervisor (or, in case the supervisor is not professorial faculty, the appropriate AUL) begins their review of the dossier and all signed letters of input. The supervisor will also consult the candidate's personnel file maintained in the unit. The letter will evaluate the relative strengths and weaknesses of the candidate's performance. If the candidate reports to, or works closely with, more than one supervisor, letters from each supervisor should be included. These letters should comment on key points in the dossier and address all responsibilities identified in the position description, and provide a fair and balanced summary of all peer and external solicited evaluations. External evaluators should be identified only by a coded key when their comments are cited from these confidential letters. The supervisor may include comments on any information in the candidate's file that is relevant to the evaluation of assigned duties, collegiality, professional integrity, or willingness to accept and cooperate in assignments. If the individual serving in the supervisor role is on a 1040 assignment, they can write the supervisor's letter of evaluation.
- *NOTE: exact deadline posted on OSU P&T website
- The Dean of Libraries submits the completed dossier to the Office of Faculty Affairs to be reviewed by the campus Promotion and Tenure Committee. In addition, a copy of the completed dossier is placed in the Libraries' personnel files.
- When all necessary reviews and discussions have been completed, the Provost and Executive Vice President will make the final decision on promotion and indefinite tenure.
- *NOTE: exact deadline posted on OSU P&T website
- The Dean of Libraries submits the completed dossier to the Office of Faculty Affairs to be reviewed by the University Promotion and Tenure Committee. In addition, a copy of the completed dossier is placed in the Libraries' personnel files.
- When all necessary reviews and discussions have been completed, the Provost and Executive Vice President will make the final decision on promotion and indefinite tenure.
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The Peer Review of Teaching Coordinator (Coordinator) is a tenured library faculty member and member of the Promotion & Tenure committee. The coordinator is typically selected by the new P&T Committee Chair and serves a one-year term, September - August.
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Per the OSU promotion and tenure guidelines, students will be invited to participate in the review of faculty for promotion and tenure. OSULP interprets "students" to include all constituents of the candidate's teaching audience, internal or external to OSU, for whom the candidate has provided instruction, consultation, advising, or mentoring. The following guidelines from the OSU Promotion & Tenure Guidelines (Student Letter of Evaluation section) have been modified for OSULP.
The purpose of the student evaluation letter is to document the student perspective of the candidate's effectiveness as a teacher, research consultant, advisor (if applicable), or mentor (if applicable). In order to provide the university with a consistent source of information for the process, the unit P&T committee and the unit supervisor should endeavor to organize student committees for faculty evaluation using the following process.
NOTE: the timeline below specifically addresses the Associate Professor and Professor reviews. Timeline modifications for Senior Instructor I/II review and Faculty Research Assistant I/II review are specifically noted in those timelines.
By March 15
- The unit P&T committee and the supervisor jointly generate an additional list of student names taken from class lists of the courses, workshop attendees lists, research consultations and advisees (if appropriate).
- The supervisor begins to request review letters from the combined list of students. Students graduating in June or August must be contacted before graduation. The supervisor may wish to work with Library Administration Executive Assistant to determine when students are graduating. An attempt should be made to request input from students whose collective experience represents the profile of the teaching, research consultation and advisory (if appropriate) duties of the faculty member. For example, if a faculty member teaches all undergraduate courses, it is appropriate for all letters to come from undergraduates. If the faculty member teaches, consults with or advises a mixture of undergraduate and graduate students, the chosen students backgrounds should reflect that diversity in order to provide sufficient information to evaluate the candidate's performance.
- Letters to the students requesting the evaluative reference must inform the student as to who will see their review letters. Access to those letters will be determined by whether the candidate has signed a waiver of access. Students must also be informed that only signed letters will be used as part of the process. Sample letters are available on the share drive: Shared\P-&-T\Student_review_of_teaching\Sample_letters
- As a rule one half of the letters should be from the list generated by the candidate and one half from the list generated by the unit. In practice, the supervisor and candidate work together to generate the list of student names.
- There is no specific minimum number of letters required. The total number of letters should be on the order of 4-12, depending on the complexity of the candidate's teaching duties.
- If an insufficient number of students agree to write letters, the P & T Committee and the supervisor should select an additional set of names from the existing lists and request letters from those students.
- Supervisor begins planning the formation of the Student Review Committee in order to have this committee in place by October deadline.
Candidates for promotion and tenure, candidates for promotion in rank, as well as some who will go through the post-tenure review process, will be evaluated by external reviewers (6 minimum, 8 maximum for professorial faculty; 4 for Faculty Research Assistants and Instructors). Candidates must submit a list of at least 5 evaluators (4 for FRAs and Instructors) who meet the criteria stated below and from this list at least three letters (two letters for FRAs and Instructors) will be obtained for the final dossier. If additional names are needed, these will be obtained from the candidate by the unit head. The other evaluators are to be selected by the AUL.
Letters should generally be from leaders in the candidate's field, chosen for their ability to evaluate the candidate's scholarly work. Letters should not be solicited from co-authors or co-principal investigators who collaborated with the candidate in the last five years. In general, letters should not be solicited from former post-doctoral advisers, professors, or former students. If such letters are necessary, include an explanation and state why the evaluator can be objective. Letters should generally be from tenured professors or individuals of equivalent stature outside of academe who are widely recognized in the field. External letters for professorial faculty should never be solicited from clients or others whom the candidate has directly served in his/her work. For FRA's and Instructors, the letters can be from internal evaluators who have worked with the candidate but can objectively evaluate the candidate's dossier. Careful consideration should be given to minimizing conflict of interest when choosing all evaluators.
This web page provides additional tips:
By May 31
- The candidate for Promotion and Tenure or promotion to Professor submits a list of 5-8 potential external reviewers to their supervisor, who forwards them to their AUL.
- The candidate for Promotion in Rank (Instructor or FRA) submits a list of 4 potential external reviewers to their supervisor, who forwards them to their AUL.
- The faculty member going through post-tenure review submits a list (minimum of 5 names) of external reviewers to their supervisor, who forwards them to their AUL.
- In the initial stage of a search, the Dean of Libraries will decide whether the position may generate a tenure review prior to hiring. If so, the Search Committee and the Dean of Libraries will develop a framework for collecting appropriate evidence of the candidate's potential for a successful tenure decision. This framework would include strong language in the position announcement and a request for references that can address the candidate's impact on his/her institution and the profession. The chair of the Promotion and Tenure Committee (the P&T Committee) will be alerted to ensure that the P&T Committee and Senior Review Panel are in place. (This should be the case in most instances.)
- Once a candidate is identified, the Dean of Libraries will inform the candidate of the process and then compile a dossier consisting of the candidate's c.v., cover letter for the search, three to five publications and any other pertinent information such as information from the Search Committee including a summary of the reference inquiries. This dossier will be posted to the P&T Committee's restricted folder for review.
- The Dean of Libraries may decide to send the dossier to an external reviewer. If so, the timeline will be extended.
- The P&T Committee will review the dossier as quickly as possible (within five days of its availability) and send its letter to the Senior Review Panel.
- The Senior Review Panel will review the updated dossier as quickly as possible (within three days of its availability) and send its letter to the Dean of Libraries.
- The Dean of Libraries considers both review letters and forwards a tenure and rank recommendation to the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs.
- Once a decision is received from the University Committee, the Dean of Libraries includes the offer of tenure and rank to the candidate in the letter of offer.
should be given to minimizing conflict of interest when choosing all evaluators.
This web page provides additional tips:
By May 31
- The candidate for Promotion and Tenure or promotion to Professor submits a list of 5-8 potential external reviewers to their supervisor, who forwards them to their AUL.
- The candidate for Promotion in Rank (Instructor or FRA) submits a list of 4 potential external reviewers to their supervisor, who forwards them to their AUL.
By January 31st (and only if external review was requested)
- The faculty member going through post-tenure review submits a list (minimum of 5 names) of external reviewers to their supervisor, who forwards them to their AUL.
To facilitate contact with the external reviewers, candidates should provide the following info for each external reviewer: Name, Title, Rank, Mailing Address, Phone, Email.
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Process for Reviewing a Candidate for Hiring with Credit Toward Tenure
For any OSULP tenure-track position, a candidate may ask to be hired with credit toward tenure. The University allows this providing that the number of years of credit for prior service are stated in the offer letter, along with the date by which tenure must be granted.
At the time the hiring manager is in negotiations with a candidate to offer them a tenure track position, the candidate may request to receive credit toward tenure. In this scenario, the procedures listed below will take place. Due to the time-sensitive needs of the review, the P&T Committee shall give this process priority. All promotion and tenure deliberations are confidential.
- The hiring manager will contact the Dean of Libraries and the P&T Committee Chair to inform them a request for hire with credit toward tenure has been made.
- 1-2 paragraphs (no more than 1 page) describing their research agenda and how they intend to build off of existing research and research outputs in relation to the OSULP position, as well as their previous and future intended service to the profession
- An up-to-date and unabridged CV; if applicable, the same CV submitted for the application to the position may be submitted if there haven’t been any updates
- The hiring manager will provide a copy of the P&T Guidelines and ask the candidate to submit the following materials within 3 business days of the request for a review:
- The P&T Chair will send a request to the P&T Committee asking for 2-3 volunteers, in addition to themselves, to serve on a Review for Hire with Credit Toward Tenure Sub-Committee. The Sub-Committee should include at least two tenured members.
- Upon receipt of the submitted materials, the P&T Sub-Committee, the Dean, and the hiring manager will have a maximum of 1 week to review the materials and meet to discuss the candidate’s materials.
- Only the sub-committee members will receive the candidate materials. All promotion and tenure deliberations are confidential.
- The P&T Sub-Committee, the Dean, and the hiring manager will come to consensus to recommend the candidate be hired with 1, 2, or 3 years of credit toward tenure. No more than 3 years of credit toward tenure may be granted. The group can also recommend to not offer credit toward tenure.
- No external review letters or references are needed for this decision-making process.
- Without naming the candidate, the P&T Chair informs the entire P&T Committee of the group’s recommendation for hire with credit toward tenure (or not).
- The hiring manager informs the candidate of the decision to offer credit toward tenure and how many years (or not) are offered.
- The hiring manager ensures that the employment offer letter includes the number of years of credit toward tenure offered, along with the date by which tenure must be granted. The offer letter should also include a statement expressing that OSULP is granting credit toward tenure based on the expectation that the candidate will continue their research agenda started prior to their time at OSU.
- The hiring manager informs the P&T Chair the candidate has accepted the offer. Within 2 weeks, the P&T Sub-Committee delivers a summary of the credit toward tenure discussion and decision-making to the Dean and the hiring manager, and places a copy on the restricted P&T shared drive.
- After the candidate’s start date, the credit toward tenure will be further clarified in a meeting between the candidate, the candidate’s supervisor, the Dean, and the P&T Committee chair within the first 1-3 months of the candidate’s start date. Using the summary documentation to engage in the conversation, the meeting notes will be captured by the P&T Committee Chair in a Credit Toward Tenure Letter that connects the number of years of credit toward tenure granted by the Dean of Libraries to the relevant scholarship and service applicable for consideration. The Credit Toward Tenure Letter is shared with the relevant parties after the meeting, and is subsequently shared by the candidate with the P&T Committee during the midterm and final dossier submission review processes. It is the candidate’s responsibility to retain and submit the Credit Toward Tenure Letter to the P&T Committee prior to their mid-term review as well as prior to their promotion to associate professor and indefinite tenure review. It is the candidate’s responsibility to articulate the impact of the scholarship for which they are credited. The P&T Committee will consider previous publications and service as documented in the Credit Toward Tenure Letter during the promotion and tenure review processes, however, the P&T Committee retains the right to determine that the publications and service credited do or do not demonstrate sufficient impact and contribution to the profession.
- The years toward credit is added to the tenure timeline spreadsheet and a copy of the Credit Toward Tenure Letter is placed in the restricted P&T shared drive.
Process for Reviewing a Candidate for Hiring with Tenure
At the time a hiring manager is in negotiation with a candidate to offer them a tenure-track position, the candidate may request to be hired with tenure.
- If the candidate does not already have tenure at their current institution, the library will not offer hire with tenure. The hiring manager will inform them that they have the option to request a review for hire with credit toward tenure.
- If the candidate already has tenure at their current institution, the hiring manager will inform them that they will need to engage in an out-of-cycle review for promotion and tenure prior to being hired.
Procedure for out-of cycle review for promotion and tenure prior to being hired
On certain occasions, a candidate who already has tenure at their current institution, may request to be hired with tenure. The University allows this, providing the Libraries' Promotion and Tenure process is used to review the candidate and generate a recommendation on the tenure decision.
- The hiring manager will contact the Dean of Libraries and the P&T Committee Chair to inform them a request for hire with tenure has been made.
- A minimum 1 page, 2 page maximum, Candidate’s Statement regarding their demonstrated record of engagement and impact within the professional community, including scholarship and service, and EDIAR work (samples of OSULP candidate statements may be shared with the candidate)
- 3 references who can specifically speak to the impact of their scholarship and service (they may be, but do not have to be, the same references supplied in their original application materials)
- An up-to-date and unabridged CV, if applicable; the same CV submitted for the application to the position may be submitted if there haven’t been any updates
- The hiring manager will provide a copy of the P&T Guidelines and ask the candidate to submit the following materials within 5 business days of the request for a review:
- The P&T Chair will send an email notification to the P&T Committee regarding the request for a hire with tenure review and set up a full Committee meeting to review materials and vote. In addition, the P&T Chair will form a sub-committee of at least 3 members, including themselves, to write a letter documenting the outcome of the vote.
- Upon receipt of the candidate’s submitted materials, the P&T Committee will have 5 business days to review the materials, meet to discuss the candidate’s materials, vote, and write a letter documenting the outcome of the vote.
- In the case that the committee votes to not hire with tenure, credit toward tenure may be offered (3 years maximum)
- In the case that the unit vote is split or negative a detailed letter should accompany the vote
- The entire P&T Committee will evaluate the candidate. This process cannot be anonymized - the P&T Committee must retain the name of the candidate in strict confidence.
- The P&T Committee must adhere to the P&T criteria, but not necessarily specific numbers as outlined in the criteria. Again, the goal is to identify whether someone has comparable qualifications -- not necessarily identical.
- The P&T Committee’s voting members vote to hire with tenure or not
- A sub-committee of the P & T Committee will write a letter documenting the outcome of the vote.
- Upon receipt of the candidate’s submitted materials, the Dean contacts the external references provided by the candidate, as well as contact at least one external reviewer not provided by the candidate.
- External reviewers will have 5 business days to respond.
- External reviewers will be asked if they agree that the candidate should be tenured and for evidence of distinction in the primary assignment, appropriate service, scholarly achievements, and evidence of a commitment to equity, inclusion and diversity.
- If the position being hired for is administrative, then the external letters should address BOTH the administrative aspects of the candidate’s position and faculty duties should the individual return to the faculty at some point.
- The P&T Committee Chair communicates the outcome of the P&T Committee vote to the Dean and hiring manager for review.
- A Senior Review Panel review of this process is NOT required.
- The OSUL Dean communicates with the P&T Committee Chair and the hiring manager of their decision whether or not they will move forward with a recommendation for hire with tenure.
- Within 2 business days, the OSUL Dean submits the compiled documentation and, in the form of a letter, the final recommendation for tenure and rank to the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs.
- Once the P&T Hiring with Tenure Process is completed and approved by university administration, then the offer letter will be drafted by HR and sent to the candidate to be officially accepted.
- The offer of employment letter should note whether or not the position is being offered as a hire with tenure or credit toward tenure.
Timeline (in business days)
- Day 0: The hiring manager contacts the Dean of Libraries and the P&T Committee Chair to inform them a request for hire with tenure has been made.
- By Day 5: The candidate submits their materials
- Between Days 6-10
- The P&T Committee meets to discuss the candidate’s materials, votes, and writes a letter documenting the outcome of the vote.
- The Dean contacts the external references provided by the candidate, as well as contact at least one external reviewer not provided by the candidate.
- By Day 10
- The P&T Committee Chair communicates the outcome of the P&T Committee vote to the Dean and hiring manager for review.
- External reviewers submit their evaluations to the Dean.
- By Day 12:
- The OSUL Dean communicates with the P&T Committee Chair and the hiring manager of their decision whether or not they will move forward with a recommendation for hire with tenure.
- The Dean submits the compiled documentation and, in the form of a letter, the final recommendation for tenure and rank to the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs.
- Within two working days: The Dean of Libraries receives a decision from the University Committee.
- Day 17: The Dean of Libraries sends the letter of offer.
- The external review would add at least another five working days to the timeline above.
Presented to the LFA on May 11, 2012 and adopted in principleProcess approved 2023-03-07
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