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OSU Libraries & Press
Promotion & Tenure Review, Promotion in Rank Review, and Post-tenure Review Guidelines and Procedures
Approved July 2018


  • *NOTE: exact deadline posted on OSU P&T website
  • The Dean of Libraries submits the completed dossier to the Office of Faculty Affairs to be reviewed by the campus Promotion and Tenure Committee. In addition, a copy of the completed dossier is placed in the Libraries' personnel files.
  • When all necessary reviews and discussions have been completed, the Provost and Executive Vice President will make the final decision on promotion and indefinite tenure.


  • *NOTE: exact deadline posted on OSU P&T website
  • The Dean of Libraries submits the completed dossier to the Office of Faculty Affairs to be reviewed by the University Promotion and Tenure Committee. In addition, a copy of the completed dossier is placed in the Libraries' personnel files.
  • When all necessary reviews and discussions have been completed, the Provost and Executive Vice President will make the final decision on promotion and indefinite tenure.


Dossier preparation typically takes place during Summer and Fall terms preceding submission, though teaching reviews will generally take place earlier. Candidates work with a mentor (if applicable) and their supervisor to prepare the dossier. The candidate will be gathering student evaluation of teaching, consultation, advising, or mentoring data for each year leading up to dossier submission. OSULP interprets "students" to be constituents, internal or external to OSU, for whom the candidate has provided instruction, consultation, advising, or mentoring. During the year preceding submission, the candidate will collect student names and email addresses for student review of teaching/consultation/advising/mentoring letters.

Per Rick Settersten - Effective for the 2023-2024 promotion cycle, the University will no longer require external letters of evaluation for promotion to the ranks of (1) Senior Instructor I & II, (2) Senior Faculty Research Assistants I & II, and (3) Senior Research Associates I & II. This is a pilot year during which these letters will be eliminated, not optional. University Human Resources and the Office of Faculty Affairs will collect data and revaluate this decision at the conclusion of the AY23-24 promotion cycle. 

The OSUL P&T committee will determine what updates should be made to our guidelines regarding the external review letter process after University Human Resources and the Office of Faculty Affairs have completed their evaluation of the change in external review letter process in 2024.

By March 1


Dossier preparation typically takes place during Summer and Fall terms preceding submission (though teaching reviews, if applicable, will generally take place earlier). The candidate work with a mentor (if applicable) and their supervisor to prepare the dossier. The candidate will be gathering, if applicable, student evaluation of teaching, consultation, advising, or mentoring data for each year leading up to dossier submission. OSULP interprets "students" to be constituents, internal or external to OSU, for whom the candidate has provided instruction, consultation, advising, or mentoring. During the year preceding submission, the candidate will collect student names and email addresses for student review of teaching/consultation/advising/mentoring letters.

Per Rick Settersten - Effective for the 2023-2024 promotion cycle, the University will no longer require external letters of evaluation for promotion to the ranks of (1) Senior Instructor I & II, (2) Senior Faculty Research Assistants I & II, and (3) Senior Research Associates I & II. This is a pilot year during which these letters will be eliminated, not optional. University Human Resources and the Office of Faculty Affairs will collect data and revaluate this decision at the conclusion of the AY23-24 promotion cycle. 

The OSUL P&T committee will determine what updates should be made to our guidelines regarding the external review letter process after University Human Resources and the Office of Faculty Affairs have completed their evaluation of the change in external review letter process in 2024.


Peer Review of Teaching Coordinator

The Peer Review of Teaching Coordinator (Coordinator) is a tenured library faculty member and member of the Promotion & Tenure committee. The coordinator is typically selected by the new P&T Committee Chair and serves a one-year term, September - August. 

Procedure for Peer Review of Teaching


Per the OSU promotion and tenure guidelines, students will be invited to participate in the review of faculty for promotion and tenure. OSULP interprets "students" to include all constituents of the candidate's teaching audience, internal or external to OSU, for whom the candidate has provided instruction, consultation, advising, or mentoring. The following guidelines from the OSU Promotion & Tenure Guidelines (Student Letter of Evaluation section) have been modified for OSULP.
The purpose of the student evaluation letter is to document the student perspective of the candidate's effectiveness as a teacher, research consultant, advisor (if applicable), or mentor (if applicable). In order to provide the university with a consistent source of information for the process, the unit P&T committee and the unit supervisor should endeavor to organize student committees for faculty evaluation using the following process.
NOTE: the timeline below specifically addresses the Associate Professor and Professor reviews. Timeline modifications for Senior Instructor I/II review and Faculty Research Assistant I/II review are specifically noted in those timelines.
By March 15


  • The unit P&T committee and the supervisor jointly generate an additional list of student names taken from class lists of the courses, workshop attendees lists, research consultations, and advisees (if appropriate).
  • The supervisor begins to request review letters from the combined list of students. Students graduating in June or August must be contacted before graduation. The supervisor may wish to work with Library Administration Executive Assistant to determine when students are graduating. An attempt should be made to request input from students whose collective experience represents the profile of the teaching, research consultation and advisory (if appropriate) duties of the faculty member. For example, if a faculty member teaches all undergraduate courses, it is appropriate for all letters to come from undergraduates. If the faculty member teaches, consults with or advises a mixture of undergraduate and graduate students, the chosen students' backgrounds should reflect that diversity in order to provide sufficient information to evaluate the candidate's performance.
    • Letters to the students requesting the evaluative reference must inform the student as to who will see their review letters. Access to those letters will be determined by whether the candidate has signed a waiver of access. Students must also be informed that only signed letters will be used as part of the process. Sample letters are available on a restricted shared drive: Shared\P-&-T\Student_review_of_teaching\Sample_letters
    • As a rule, one half of the letters should be from the list generated by the candidate and one half from the list generated by the unit. In practice, the supervisor and candidate work together to generate the list of student names.
    • There is no specific minimum number of letters required. The total number of letters should be on the order of 4-12, depending on the complexity of the candidate's teaching duties.
    • If an insufficient number of students agree to write letters, the P & T Committee and the supervisor should select an additional set of names from the existing lists and request letters from those students.
  • Supervisor begins planning the formation of the Student Review Committee in order to have this committee in place by October deadline.


  • The hiring manager will contact the Dean of Libraries and the P&T Committee Chair to inform them a request for hire with credit toward tenure has been made. 
    • 1-2 paragraphs (no more than 1 page) describing their research agenda and how they intend to build off of existing research and research outputs in relation to the OSULP position, as well as their previous and future intended service to the profession   
    • An up-to-date and unabridged CV; if applicable, the same CV submitted for the application to the position may be submitted if there haven’t been any updates
    • The hiring manager will provide a copy of the P&T Guidelines and ask the candidate to submit the following materials within 3 business days of the request for a review:
      • 1-2 paragraphs (no more than 1 page) describing their research agenda and how they intend to build off of existing research and research outputs in relation to the OSULP position, as well as their previous and future intended service to the profession   
      • An up-to-date and unabridged CV; if applicable, the same CV submitted for the application to the position may be submitted if there haven’t been any updates
    • The P&T Chair, in consultation with the Dean, will either send a request to the P&T Committee asking for 2-3 volunteers
  • , in addition
    • to
  • themselves, to
    • serve on a Review for Hire with Credit Toward Tenure Sub-Committee or will individually recruit volunteers without notifying the entire Committee to preserve the candidate’s confidentiality. The Sub-Committee should include at least two tenured members and will also include the P&T Chair.
  • Upon receipt of the submitted materials, the P&T Sub-Committee, the Dean, and the hiring manager will have a maximum of 1 week to review the materials and meet to discuss the candidate’s materials. 
    • Only the sub-committee members will receive the candidate materials. All promotion and tenure deliberations are confidential. 
  • The P&T Sub-Committee, the Dean, and the hiring manager will come to consensus to recommend the candidate be hired with 1, 2, or 3 years of credit toward tenure. No more than 3 years of credit toward tenure may be granted. The group can also recommend to not offer credit toward tenure. 
    • No external review letters or references are needed for this decision-making process. 
  • Without naming the candidate, the P&T Chair informs the entire P&T Committee of the group’s recommendation for hire with credit toward tenure (or not).  . At the discretion of the Dean and P&T Chair, this step may be skipped when the candidate’s anonymity would be compromised prior to the hiring announcement.
  • The hiring manager informs the candidate of the decision to offer credit toward tenure and how many years (or not) are offered.
    • The hiring manager ensures that the employment offer letter includes the number of years of credit toward tenure offered, along with the date by which tenure must be granted. The offer letter should also include a statement expressing that OSULP is granting credit toward tenure based on the expectation that the candidate will continue their research agenda started prior to their time at OSU. 
  • The hiring manager informs the P&T Chair the candidate has accepted the offer. Within 2 weeks of the hiring announcement, the P&T Sub-Committee delivers a summary of the credit toward tenure discussion and decision-making to the Dean and the hiring manager, and places a copy on a restricted P&T shared drive.
  • After the candidate’s start date, the credit toward tenure will be further clarified in a meeting between the candidate, the candidate’s supervisor, the Dean, and the P&T Committee chair within the first 1-3 months of the candidate’s start date. Using the summary documentation to engage in the conversation, the meeting notes will be captured by the P&T Committee Chair in a Credit Toward Tenure Letter that connects the number of years of credit toward tenure granted by the Dean of Libraries to the relevant scholarship and service applicable for consideration. The Credit Toward Tenure Letter is shared with the relevant parties after the meeting, and is subsequently shared by the candidate with the P&T Committee during the midterm and final dossier submission review processes. It is the candidate’s responsibility to retain and submit the Credit Toward Tenure Letter to the P&T Committee prior to their mid-term review as well as prior to their promotion to associate professor and indefinite tenure review. It is the candidate’s responsibility to articulate the impact of the scholarship for which they are credited. The P&T Committee will consider previous publications and service as documented in the Credit Toward Tenure Letter during the promotion and tenure review processes, however, the P&T Committee retains the right to determine that the publications and service credited do or do not demonstrate sufficient impact and contribution to the profession.
  • The years toward credit is added to the tenure timeline spreadsheet and a copy of the Credit Toward Tenure Letter is placed in a restricted P&T shared drive. 
