GitHub Tutorial for Drupal Development

GitHub Tutorial for Drupal Development

Basic GitHub Tutorial for Drupal Development in a Local Environment

The purpose of this tutorial is to go over basic command line instructions to clone, and push/pull commits to an existing Drupal project (Part 1). We will also go over instructions to login at lib-web-dev1 and pull our changes for drupal-dev.library.oregonstate.edu (Part 2)

The following steps assume that you already have a proper apache-mysql-php local development environment, including drush and GitHub with proper deploy-php access to our server lib-web-dev1 (See notes at the end)

Part 1: Push a commit to drupal-visualization repository

  1. Clone existing drupal-visualization Drupal project from github.com/osulp

    git clone git@github.com:osulp/drupal-visualization.git
    cd drupal-visualization
  2. Install Views module via drush

    drush dl views

  3. Enable Views module to install module and dependencies

    drush en views
  4. Create a new branch called "feature/ViewsModule"

    git checkout -b feature/ViewsModule
  5. Add all new files for our commit

    git add --all
  6. Generate a commit with a message

    git commit -m "added views module"
  7. Push commit to our new branch

    git push -u origin feature/ViewsModule
  8. Go to https://github.com/osulp/drupal-visualization and create a pull request for our new branch featureViewsModule and merge to master branch

Part 2: Pull changes from master in lib-web-dev1


  1. From your local dev environment, login to lib-web-dev1.library.oregonstate.edu as deploy-php via ssh

    ssh deploy-php@lib-web-dev1.library.oregonstate.edu
  2. Go to drupal-visualization html folder

    cd /var/www/drupal-dev.library.oregonstate.edu/drupal-visualization
  3. Backup existing database

    drush sql-dump > /var/www/drupal-dev.library.oregonstate.edu/backup-7-29-16.sql
  4. Pull changes from git

    git pull origin master
  5. Dump the updated database into the server database (use this only to recover or reset the drupal database)

    mysql -udrupal -h lib-mysql4.library.oregonstate.edu -p drupal_dev < /path/to/local/drupal_visualization.sql
    Note: the password can be found in lib-web-dev1 in the drupal settings.php at /var/www/drupal-dev.library.oregonstate.edu/drupal_visualization/sites/default/settings.php

  6. Login at drupal-dev.library.oregonstate.edu/user to double check the updates


Apache-PHP-MySQL Dev Setup in Windows

For local development in Windows, you can use XAMPP (https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html) which comes with Apache, MariaDB (used instead of MySQL), PHP, and Perl. It also includes other useful tools such as Phpmyadmin, which is great for managing local databases.

Apache-PHP-MySQL Dev Setup in Mac OS X

For local development in Mac OS X Yosemite, you would need Apache, MySQL, PHP installed. You can follow this guide to install the required tools: https://coolestguidesontheplanet.com/get-apache-mysql-php-phpmyadmin-working-osx-10-10-yosemite/

Other tools

Github: https://desktop.github.com/

Drush: http://docs.drush.org/en/master/install/

WinSCP (for Windows): http://oregonstate.edu/helpdocs/osu-applications/offered-apps/ftp

PuTTY (for ssh on Windows): http://engineering.oregonstate.edu/computing/fileaccess/putty_ssh/ 

Become a member of deploy-php in lib-web-dev1

To access our lib-web-dev1 server, you will need to be a member of deploy-php user. To become a member, you will need to send your public key (id_rsa.pub) generated in your local environment to Margaret Mellinger (margaret.mellinger@oregonstate.edu) in order to approve your membership. To generate your public key, you can follow the instructions at https://help.github.com/articles/generating-a-new-ssh-key-and-adding-it-to-the-ssh-agent/#platform-mac


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