Getting Set up with Drupal 8
Getting Set up with Drupal 8
Drupal 8 has a built-in little php server, so we don't need to fuss too much about docker or building a server locally
This will run the php server from bash
Start the Drupal 8 server
php -S localhost:8000
You can use drush or drupal console. Drupal console will probably only be around for drupal 8, so it might be best to stick with drush, depending on the project. The command to clear the cache from console is drupal cache:rebuild
Drupal hooks still exist, but other parts of drupal use events. Events are just 'object oriented' hooks.
A few notes
- Modules & themes now live in the root.
- Drupal 8 is all about the yml files now.
- drupal 8 is that it can use php namespaces now, along with routes and controllers.
Drupal 8 under the hood, by Symphony Casts (subscription) https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/drupal8-under-the-hood
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