Website Focus Groups

Website Focus Groups

Survey Link: https://beav.es/qgP

Schedule and Questions

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DateTimeGroupGroup NameParticipant names (4-6 per group)
Wed. 11/2910am- 11amALibrary BranchesGuin Library: Mary Markland, Julie Drengson, Cascades Library: April Witteveen, Salomé Flores
Wed. 11/2911am - 12pmBECampus students and staffZach Welhouse (library liaison to Ecampus), Aaron Worley, Cynthia Middlebrooks, Tay McEdwards, Anna Ambrose (student)
Wed. 11/29

2pm - 3pm

CLEADSteve Weber, Sagan Wallace, Erin Kooyman, Sara Trott, Jen Wells, Sandy Graham
Wed. 11/29 

3 pm - 4 pm 

DResearch and LearningHannah Rempel, Diana Castillo, Laurie Bridges, Kelly McElroy, Adam Lindsley, Diana Park
Th. 11/30

10am- 11am

EOSU Faculty/Staff

Mike Bailey mjb@oregonstate.edu (computer science prof)

Erin Bird Erin.bird@oregonstate.edu (coordinator - transfer students)

Jen Alix-Garcia jennifer.alix-garcia@oregonstate.edu (ag economics prof)

Jacob Hamblin Jacob.Hamblin@oregonstate.edu (history prof)

Th. 11/3011am - 12pmFResource Acquisitions and SharingLaura Ramos, Ian Scofield, Elaine Goff, Brad Engelbert, Abby Mason, Jane Nichols
Th. 11/302pm - 3pmGGrad students

Cole Keady cole.keady@oregonstate.edu

Salvatore Petruzzella petruzzs@oregonstate.edu

Charlie Thompson thomchar@oregonstate.edu

Emma Gjerdseth gjerdsee@oregonstate.edu

Th. 11/30

3pm -4pm

HUndergrad Students

Andrew Oda (RAS) odaa@oregonstate.edu
Crystal Lohne  lohnec@oregonstate.edu
Lisette Perez Cruz perezcrl@oregonstate.edu
Kaden Cui  cuikad@oregonstate.edu
Kenna Cortes Bernardin bernarke@oregonstate.edu
Christian Flores

Fr. 12/110am - 11amILibrary Admin Anne-Marie Deitering, Angela Haney, Megan Lawrence, Robin Weis, Beth Filar Williams, Rachel Burgess
Fr. 12/1

11am-12 pm

JOSU Faculty/Staff 

Sarah Norek sarah.norek@oregonstate.edu (academic success center)

Erica Fleishman erica.fleishman@oregonstate.edu  (oceanography prof)

Jordon Zardinejad jordon.zardinejad@osucascades.edu  (cascades academic  program coordinator)

Jason Weiss jason.weiss@oregonstate.edu  (civil engineering prof)

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  1. First, tell me about your role and perspective.
  2. Which library (and library website) do you interact with most?
  3. Do you interact with the library more online or in-person?
  4. How would you describe the user experience of the library website(s)?
  5. What specifically do you rely on the library website(s) for, at present?
  6. What do you really need from the OSU library system, whether or not it currently meets that need?
  7. Beyond that, what do you wish the library website(s) could be, do, or offer?
  8. Any other thoughts or opinions that you’d like to share?