AED (Automated External Defibrillator) Units

AED (Automated External Defibrillator) Units

Unit Check (every 6 months)11/21/215/21/22

Battery Replacement (every 4 years, rotating 2 sets every 2 years)


Pads Replacement (every 2 years)11/21/2111/21/23

Note: If an AED unit is beeping, it should tell you what the problem is. If not, press on the i-button and it should state what the problem is. It is usually pads not locked in place or battery issues.

The Valley Library has three onsite HeartStart AED (automated external defibrillator) units. The units are intended for use by library staff only and are located at:

  • 2nd floor Circulation - in the public address system alcove, next to the Access closet (south end of Circ desk)
  • 3rd floor Staff Area - inside the middle office door and to the right
  • 4th floor Administration & Consulting Reception Desk/Ecampus area - next to the mailboxes and the door to Ecampus

The units are removed by simply picking them up or sliding them out of the wall mount. They have voice instructions as you are using them and should be used only if a victim does not respond when shaken and is not breathing normally. If in doubt about using the AED, place the pads on the victim and the machine will indicate whether the defibrillator is needed. Abnormal breathing can indicate a heart problem and the AED will not work if it is unnecessary. Manuals are available with each unit.

The OSULP Safety Council encourages all staff to take CPR & AED training offered by Dixon Recreation. CPR & AED training need to be renewed each year. The university policy for AED use is based on an Oregon statute (specifically the 30.802 Liability section) that limits the liability for emergency assistance provided by a staff person of a governmental agency who is trained within the course/scope of duties, provided the act or omission does not violate the standards of reasonable care. Basically, staff who are not trained or current in their training may use an AED in a life threatening situation if it is the only alternative (no trained staff or emergency personal available) and the staff member does not violate the standards of reasonable care (no gross negligence) noted in the statute.

The units include the defibrillator, carrying case, Adult SMART pads, Fast Response Kit (mouth guard for CPR, disposable razor, 2 pairs of gloves, paramedic scissors and an absorbent wipe), wall mount bracket, defibrillator wall sign, inspection tag and user manual. After each use pads and other used equipment will need to be replaced.

The units will be checked two times per year by OSULP Safety Council members, in November and May, and will be noted on the inspection tags. The units run a self-test every day automatically. A green Ready light blinks to indicate the unit is ready for use. When the battery is low or the unit needs attention, you will hear an alarm chirp. Contact a OSULP Safety Council member if this occurs if the green light is not blinking or you hear the alarm chirp. Batteries have a 4 year unit life.

EHS manages the AED program. You can find the contact information for the AEC coordinator with the AED locator map.

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