2015-05-04 Meeting Notes
2015-05-04 Meeting Notes
Coordinator: Bryan
Minutes: Bryan
Present: Bryan, Don, Elizabeth, Katie, Victoria
- dPlan & Staging Areas
- Currently working on completing the update to the dPlan (Disaster Recovery Plan). Bryan will simplify where content areas are located within the dPlan.
- Bryan spoke with Chris Sinnett about their disaster plan created by Mike Bamburger. Their current staging area is the west central side of the library plaza. We can simply keep them there when developing the library’s staging area plan to avoid conflict.
- Don suggested that he does not try and keep a library-wide emergency phone list. He will keep track of Admin level and departments will record their own staff and student personnel.
- Emergency Pocket Response Guide
- Katie has almost completed the pocket guide and is cross-checking the information between the dPlan, pocket guide and emergency phone lists
- Power Outage
- Committee discussed the recent power outage building evacuation.
- Are staff allowed to remain in the building if it is evacuated? Don will check with LAMP.
- Building manager or backup (currently Victoria and Don) should contact Facilities to determine the extent of the outage and information relayed to library administration. After hours staff should contact campus security and Faye Chadwell.
- Circulation needs to revise its power outage evacuation procedures to account for a temporary evacuation. Current procedures only deal with a building closure. Bryan will check with other campus power outage procedures, campus safety and Mike Bamberger.
- A building speaker test will be conducted on July 6th after the building closes at 9pm. Committee members and student staff will participate to determine where the public address system cannot be heard clearly.
- The backup emergency generator has not been checked yet to see if it was powering the building as intended. Victoria is following up.
- Incident Report Form
- The committee feels we need to simplify the online Incident Report Form.
- Preferable would be a selection of the incident type followed by the required populated fields. This can be accomplished either through the current Drupal format or through Qualtric’s. Don will check on the Qualtric’s possibilities including notifications when a submission is made.
- Lead student staff should be able to have access to the form if needed.
- The form should also be used for non-library departments since we are all one building.
- SAIF Safety Workshop
- Elizabeth and Bryan attended a SAIF safety workshop that focused on creating a safety oriented environment at the workplace.
- One idea is to conduct a building wide survey inquiring on what staff and faculty expect from the safety committee or other safety related issues. Bryan will create a draft of possible questions to be revised by email.
- Also useful was a photo of a work place environment that depicts safety issues and have staff try to find them. Could be a Safety Week activity.