2015-08-10 Meeting Notes

2015-08-10 Meeting Notes

Present - Bryan, Don, Katie, Dan, Elizabeth, Ed


  1. Assembly Areas Admin Briefing Review
    1. Don & Victoria presented the new building evacuation assembly areas plan to admin
    2. Overall the reception went well – concerns with moving around the building to get to assigned assembly area
    3. Need to get non-library departments on board
    4. Bryan will add information to Safety Wiki site
    5. List of contacts needed for each dept. – responsible for accounting for personnel
    6. First test will be September evacuation drill
  2. dPlan
    1. Currently the dPlan (library's disaster recovery plan online) is not accessible and we have not been given an alternative for access
    2. Committee agrees we should return to our own document and include improvements we learned from the dPlan
    3. Bryan will create a draft of the new plan
    4. Pocket Guide is mostly complete and Dan will have LAMP review it. 
  3. Safety Week 2015
    1. Valley Safety Week is planned for Sept. 14-18
    2. In-house CPR/AED training scheduled for Sept. 15 and First Aid Sept. 16
    3. Evacuation drill will be scheduled for Sept. 15.
    4. Don & Katie will be working on informational emails and games/quizzes/prizes
    5. Katie is working on Kiosk posters and a lobby poster
    6. Reminder the library would like to participate in the Great Shakeout drill this year. More info at http://www.shakeout.org/ . Will contact Mike Bamberger about OSU's participation. 
  4. Power Outage Evacuation Procedures
    1. Circ and LAMP have approved the updated power outage evacuation procedures
    2. Bryan will implement into Circ procedures and update Wiki info.