2016-07-12 Meeting Notes

2016-07-12 Meeting Notes

Present: Bryan, Philip, Ed, Dan, Elizabeth


  1. Anti-Theft Posters
    1. Dan announced that there is now an anti-theft announcement on the library homepage
    2. 6 posters are currently being printed along with 200 bookmarks that can be shared with patrons
  2. Infestation Policy
    1. The Investation Prevention Policy committee will now work on training materials for library departments.
    2. Alice Mang (CDSS) has beed added to the group.
  3. August Library Admin. Briefing
    1. The Safety Committee will do their annual safety presentation at the Aug. 13 Library Admin Briefing.
    2. Elizabeth, Philip and Bryan have volunteered.
    3. Will cover Safety Week, General Safety Information, and a fun quiz activity.
  4. Safety Week (Sept. 12-16)
    1. The building evacation drill will occur during early fall term. No date set yet.
    2. First Aid/CPR training will probably happen on the afternoons of Sept 13 & 14. Bryan will arrange with Dixon Rec.
    3. Kiosk Safety Posters will all be displayed during the week. Kelly Holcomb will make sure they appear.
    4. Daily Safety Emails/Quizzes will be shared by members. Past years examples are available on the Safety Wiki.
    5. Disaster Plan Review
      1. Bryan implemented suggestions from last meeting
      2. We have several areas needed review or information before it is complete. Assignments include
        1. Library Disaster Response Team (Bryan)
        2. Salvage Priorities - (Bryan - review by collection heads)
        3. Insurance Coverage (Bryan - review by Patrick Hughes, Risk Management)
        4. Replacement Cost Valuations (Bryan - update from Laurel Kristick)
        5. Key Library & OSU Personnel (Philip)
        6. Maintenance & Utility Contacts (Zac)
        7. In-House Supplies (Ed)
        8. First Aid and Flashlight Inspections (Elizabeth & Dan)
        9. Review and Updating of Plan (Bryan)
        10. Command Center/Temporary Space (Don & LAMP)
        11. Emergency Funds (Don & LAMP)
        12. Utility/Shut Off Control Locations (Zac and Victoria)
        13. Climate, Fire, Water, Safety & Security Systems (Zac and Victoria)

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