When to Call for Help (7-3010 Campus Security)?

When to Call for Help (7-3010 Campus Security)?

If YOU feel uncomfortable, very worried, or threatened, please call! 

  • If dispatch asks you “what do you want us to do for you?” you can simply reply “Be here to support me” (you can also add “I am not trained to evaluate and assist in these situations but you are, so your advice and support is appreciated”) 

NOTE: Dispatch might be asking because they need to know if they need to call Campus Safety (non-emergency) vs OSP (emergency - Oregon State Police). 


We hired you knowing you all have good judgement!

You also know that just because someone is acting differently than what someone else might call “normal” does not mean they are a threat. Handle each situation as needed. Everyone has various levels of comfort! 

We all work various hours and you may handle the same situations differently if you have back up staff vs. if you are alone.