2016-10-17 Meeting Notes

2016-10-17 Meeting Notes

Present: Bryan, Dan, Elizabeth, Philip


  1. Review Safety Week and Evac Drill
    1. Committee did a great job with the daily Safety Challenge emails
    2. Bryan will record our procedure for next year
    3. Need to think of new ways to get staff to educate themselves
    4. Bryan sent out a summary of the evacuation drill which went well overall.
      1. Location labels have been added to the emergency phone stairwell landings
      2. Should we encourage staff to call 911 immediately or wait until they evacuate the building?
  2. Great ShakeOut Prep
    1. The library will participate once again in this years Great Oregon ShakeOut on Oct. 20 at 10:20am.
    2. Committee members will make a scripted announcement.
    3. The drill is usually followed by a survey to determine how many people at the university participated.
    4. Bryan will send a building email announcement on Wed
  3. Disaster Recover Plan Updates
    1. members are completing the final pieces of the Disaster Recovery Plan revision
    2. will need to wait for Don to return for the Command Center/Emergency Funds section
    3. goal to have this completed soon.
    4. Bryan will followup on notifying departments to resupply their first aid kits
      1. Should the library/safety committee be responsible for all first aid kits and flashlights?

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