2017-08-07 Meeting Notes

2017-08-07 Meeting Notes

Coordinator: Bryan

Minutes: Bryan

Present: Don Frier, Bryan Feyerherm, Dan Moret, Ed Ostrander, Philip Sites, Elizabeth Thomas, Rachel Ziegler, Lise Hull


  1. Welcomed Rachel
  2. Safety Week
    1. Scheduled for Sept. 11-14 (15th is library in-service)
    2. Evacuation drill will occur early fall term. Don will check with LAMP and Bryan will coordinate.
    3. Admin Briefing Presentation - planning for the briefing on Sept. 22. Philip, Elizabeth, Bryan and Dan can help with planning and/or presentation
    4. First Aid/CPR Training - will have in-house training. Dixon Rec is offering online courses with shorter hands-on training. Bryan will get more info from Jennifer Stewart.
    5. Informational Emails & Quizzes - Don, Philip, Elizabeth and Rachel/Bryan will each take a day during Safety Week. Coordination and prizes to come.
    6. Kiosk Safety Posters - Bryan will coordinate with Autumn Sunshine to display all safety posters during Safety Week
  3. EOP (Emergency Operation Plan)
    1. Don placed the document on Box so all can revise. Please comment if making substantial changes. Goal to make final revisions by Aug. 18.
    2. Will use the EOP as the emergency part of the Disaster Recovery Plan to avoid duplication. The second part will focus on library recovery and salvage.
  4. Disaster Recover Plan
    1. Bryan will combine the EOP with the current revision and place on Box and share with the committee
    2. Bryan will send out sections of the plan for the committee to review and revise
    3. Goal to have the revision completed one month after being placed on Box
    4. Bryan will check with Victoria to see if an Information Specialist can work on Word formatting
  5. Safety Purchase Assistance Program
    1. Don shared an EH&S Safety Purchase Program where non-general safety-related equipment or training could receive funding for up to $5000
    2. Ideas included evacuation signage in the library and ergonomic carts. 
    3. Bryan & Rachel will follow up on the evacuation signage and Philip with the carts.
  6. Campus Safety Walk
    1. Rachel invited members to join her on the annual University Health & Safety Committee Safety Walk. We would walk a section of campus and point out safety problems.
    2. Rachel will send out an email invite.