2017-08-07 Meeting Notes
2017-08-07 Meeting Notes
Coordinator: Bryan
Minutes: Bryan
Present: Don Frier, Bryan Feyerherm, Dan Moret, Ed Ostrander, Philip Sites, Elizabeth Thomas, Rachel Ziegler, Lise Hull
- Welcomed Rachel
- Safety Week
- Scheduled for Sept. 11-14 (15th is library in-service)
- Evacuation drill will occur early fall term. Don will check with LAMP and Bryan will coordinate.
- Admin Briefing Presentation - planning for the briefing on Sept. 22. Philip, Elizabeth, Bryan and Dan can help with planning and/or presentation
- First Aid/CPR Training - will have in-house training. Dixon Rec is offering online courses with shorter hands-on training. Bryan will get more info from Jennifer Stewart.
- Informational Emails & Quizzes - Don, Philip, Elizabeth and Rachel/Bryan will each take a day during Safety Week. Coordination and prizes to come.
- Kiosk Safety Posters - Bryan will coordinate with Autumn Sunshine to display all safety posters during Safety Week
- EOP (Emergency Operation Plan)
- Don placed the document on Box so all can revise. Please comment if making substantial changes. Goal to make final revisions by Aug. 18.
- Will use the EOP as the emergency part of the Disaster Recovery Plan to avoid duplication. The second part will focus on library recovery and salvage.
- Disaster Recover Plan
- Bryan will combine the EOP with the current revision and place on Box and share with the committee
- Bryan will send out sections of the plan for the committee to review and revise
- Goal to have the revision completed one month after being placed on Box
- Bryan will check with Victoria to see if an Information Specialist can work on Word formatting
- Safety Purchase Assistance Program
- Don shared an EH&S Safety Purchase Program where non-general safety-related equipment or training could receive funding for up to $5000
- Ideas included evacuation signage in the library and ergonomic carts.
- Bryan & Rachel will follow up on the evacuation signage and Philip with the carts.
- Campus Safety Walk
- Rachel invited members to join her on the annual University Health & Safety Committee Safety Walk. We would walk a section of campus and point out safety problems.
- Rachel will send out an email invite.