Inclement Weather & Hazardous Conditions Procedures
Overarching Understanding
If any OSU campus is closed or has delayed opening, the library on that campus is closed or has delayed opening.
Employees should get a text and/or email if they have signed up for the emergency alert system.
Notice of a Corvallis campus closure will be posted on the university’s Campus Alert website. Announcements of closures or operation curtailments also will be posted on the OSU Home Page, with a headline linking to the Campus Alert website.
Notice of an OSU-Cascades campus closure or curtailment will be noted in an alert bar on the OSU-Cascades Home Page and Emergency Status webpage.
Notice of a Hatfield Marine Science Center closure or curtailment of operations will be noted on the HMSC website by 6:30 a.m.
Notice of closures or curtailment of operations at the OSU Portland Center will be sent to employees by email.
The university will make every effort to announce closure and curtailment decisions as soon as possible. The information will be distributed or posted by 6:30 a.m. the day of a closure.
These are the primary notification channels although other notification channels are also used by campus.
It will be the responsibility of the employee to monitor the methods used to ensure the employee does not report to work on campus in a situation where there has been a closure of campus, or report early or late during a delayed start, due inclement weather or hazardous conditions (from SEIU contract, pg. 100)
However, if an OSU campus is closed or its operations curtailed, supervisors will confirm with affected employees, who are currently assigned to on-site work, if the employee is able to perform their work duties remotely. Employees who are already working remotely should continue to do so as normal.
Specific Scenarios
Valley Library
Valley Early Morning Announcement of Delays and Closures
- For Valley, Guin, and Cascades closures and delays, the Dean of Libraries (Library Dean) sends a "canned” message to all staff about the closure or delay.
- Emergency contacts can be found on Box
- The Library Dean will follow Acting Dean procedures (link restricted to LAMP members only) and connect with Library Spaces Manager or their delegate, who will contact library partners if needed.
- Notice of library closure or delay will be posted:
- Library website banner (LIT)
- Social media (Admin)
- In addition, for full day closures only, relevant individuals will update posted library hours including:
- Alma (to publish on Primo and in website hours block) (LEAD or LIT backup)
- Google (LEAD or LIT backup)
- Library website hours page (LEAD or LIT backup)
- Voicemail (LEAD)
- Onsite signage, IF safe - front door and loading dock door (LEAD)
- Email Public Safety to inform them that the library will not need a walkthrough at closing time due to the library closure
- For closure situations, department managers will contact their staff and initiate their unit’s reduced operations plan (see Reduced Operations Plan section below)
- Reduced operations plans do not depend on classified staff.
- Classified staff who are scheduled for remote work that day and assigned in writing to work during the closure or delay (FWA must be on file) must work their shift or receive approval to take accrued leave. If they are similarly impacted by the inclement event, they may use inclement leave (SEIU contract, pg. 100).
- Student supervisors contact students and alert to not report to work. They can negotiate remote work with students IF projects are available. Student workers are not required to have an FWA, but remote hours are limited and are at the discretion of their supervisor/unit head.
- Time reporting for closure or delay will follow the university’s time reporting matrix,
- If the university president or their designee has initiated the university closure/delay, then inclement weather leave is available for use.
- LibCal Coordinator (Spaces or LEAD backup) to close LibCal.
- Also cancel reservations, and notify the patrons, for the affected days
Valley Weeknights and Weekends, Library Closure Not Initiated by Campus
- When the weather is hazardous outside of standard business hours, the OSU campus will most likely not be involved in the determination.
- LEAD staff will alert the LEAD department head or their delegate when weather appears hazardous enough to warrant a possible delayed opening or library closure.
- The LEAD Head or their delegate will contact the Library Dean or their delegate to make the determination about opening later or closing the building.
- If the Dean is unavailable, contact the following list until someone is reached:
- Acting Dean
- Associate Dean
- Building Manager
- If the Dean is unavailable, contact the following list until someone is reached:
- The Library Dean or their delegate will confer with campus officials as needed and will then inform the LEAD Head or their delegate of their decision.
- The Library Dean will follow Acting Dean procedures (link restricted to LAMP members only) and connect with Library Spaces Manager or their delegate, who will notify the OSU Emergency Manager ( and contact library partners if needed. Emergency contacts can be found on Box
- Notice of library closure or delay will be posted:
- Library website banner (LIT)
- Social media (Admin)
- In addition, for full day closures only, relevant individuals will update posted library hours including:
- Alma (to publish on Primo and in website hours block) (LEAD or LIT backup)
- Google (LEAD or LIT backup)
- Library website hours page (LEAD or LIT backup)
- Voicemail (LEAD)
- Onsite signage, IF safe - front door and loading dock door (LEAD)
- For closure situations, as appropriate, department managers will contact their staff and initiate their unit’s reduced operations plan (see Reduced Operations Plan section below)
- Reduced operations plans do not depend on classified staff.
- Classified staff who are scheduled for remote work that day and assigned in writing to work during the closure or delay (FWAA must be on file) must work their shift or receive approval to take accrued leave. If they are similarly impacted by the inclement event, they may use inclement leave (SEIU contract, pg. 100)
- Student supervisors contact students and alert to not report to work. They can negotiate remote work with students IF projects are available. Student workers are not required to have an FWAA, but remote hours are limited and are at the discretion of their supervisor/unit head.
- LEAD staff initiate the building closure, following standard (or minimum) closing procedures
- Contact Public Safety to clear the building
- Lock doors
- Turn off unused staff computers, kiosks, scanners
- Turn off building lights
- Dispose of perishable items
- Secure all entries/exits
- Turn off equipment
- If closure is likely to be long-term
- Time reporting for closure or delay will follow the university’s time reporting matrix,
- If the university president or their designee has initiated the university closure/delay, then inclement weather leave is available for use.
Valley Advanced Notice (previous day) of Campus Closure or Delay
- For Valley, Guin, and Cascades closures and delays, the Dean of Libraries (Library Dean) sends a "canned” message to all staff about the closure or delay.
- Emergency contacts can be found on Box.
- The Library Dean will follow Acting Dean procedures (link restricted to LAMP members only) and connect with Library Spaces Manager or their delegate, who will contact library partners if needed.
- Notice of library closure or delay will be posted:
- Library website banner (LIT)
- Social media (Admin)
- In addition, for full day closures only, relevant individuals will update posted library hours including:
- Alma (to publish on Primo and in website hours block) (LEAD or LIT backup)
- Google (LEAD or LIT backup)
- Library website hours page (LEAD or LIT backup)
- Voicemail (LEAD)
- Onsite signage, IF safe - front door and loading dock door (LEAD)
- For closure situations, as appropriate, department managers will contact their staff and initiate their unit’s reduced operations plan (see Reduced Operations Plan section below)
- Reduced operations plans do not depend on classified staff.
- Classified staff who are scheduled for remote work that day and assigned in writing to work during the closure or delay (FWAA must be on file) must work their shift or receive approval to take accrued leave. If they are similarly impacted by the inclement event, they may use inclement leave (SEIU contract, pg. 100).
- Student supervisors contact students and alert to not report to work. They can negotiate remote work with students IF projects are available. Student workers are not required to have an FWAA, but remote hours are limited and are at the discretion of their supervisor/unit head.
- LEAD staff initiate the building closure, following standard (or minimum) closing procedures
- Contact Public Safety to clear the building
- Lock doors
- Turn off unused staff computers, kiosks, scanners
- Turn off building lights
- Dispose of perishable items
- Time reporting for closure or delay will follow the university’s time reporting matrix,
- If the university president or their designee has initiated the closure/delay, then inclement weather leave is available for use.
Guin Library
Guin Early Morning Announcement of Delays and Closures
- The Guin Library director or their assigned delegate will inform the Dean of Libraries.
- For Valley, Guin, and Cascades closures and delays, the Dean of Libraries (Library Dean) sends a "canned” message to all staff about the closure or delay.
- Emergency contacts can be found on Box
- Relevant individuals will update posted library hours including:
- Guin Library website banner (LIT)
- Social media (Guin Staff/Director)
- Voicemail (Guin Staff/Director)
- Onsite signage (if safe) – HMSC Facilities if the closure will be all day?
- Guin Library Director will contact their staff and initiate their unit’s remote essential services plan.
- Essential services plans do not depend on classified staff.
- Classified staff who are scheduled for remote work that day and assigned in writing to work during the closure or delay (FWAA must be on file) must work their shift or receive approval to take accrued leave. If they are similarly impacted by the inclement event, they may use inclement leave (SEIU contract, pg. 100).
- Guin Library Director or staff will notify the Orbis Cascade Alliance Courier and the Lincoln County Library District of the closure. They will also notify the Lincoln County Library District libraries of the closure and courier issues.
- Time reporting for closure or delay will follow the university’s time reporting matrix,
- If the university president or their designee has initiated the university closure/delay, then inclement weather leave is available for use.
Guin Advanced Notice (previous day) of Campus Closure or Delay or Mid-day Same Day Campus Closure
- The Guin Library director or their assigned delegate will inform the Dean of Libraries.
- For Valley, Guin, and Cascades closures and delays, the Dean of Libraries (Library Dean) sends a "canned” message to all staff about the closure or delay.
- Emergency contacts can be found on Box
- Relevant individuals will update posted library hours including:
- Guin Library website banner (LIT)
- Social media (Guin Staff/Director)
- Voicemail (Guin Staff/Director)
- Onsite signage (Guin Staff/Director)
- Guin Library Director will contact their department staff and initiate their unit’s remote essential services plan.
- Essential services plans do not depend on classified staff.
- Classified staff who are scheduled for remote work that day and assigned in writing to work during the closure or delay (FWAA must be on file) must work their shift or receive approval to take accrued leave. If they are similarly impacted by the inclement event, they may use inclement leave (SEIU contract, pg. 100).
- Guin Library staff initiate the building closure
- Lock doors
- Work with HMSC Operations to lock the electronically-locked door
- Unused staff computers
- Public computers
- Scanners
- Turn off building lights
- Dispose of perishable items
- Secure all entries/exits
- Inform patrons of the upcoming closure and ask them to leave if needed.
- Turn off equipment
- If closure is likely to be long-term
- Inform Guin Library Director once all staff and faculty have left the building, if needed.
- Guin Library Director or staff will notify the Orbis Cascade Alliance Courier and the Lincoln County Library District of the closure. They will also notify the Lincoln County Library District libraries of the closure and courier issues.
- Time reporting for closure or delay will follow the university’s time reporting matrix,
- If the HMSC Director or their designee has initiated the closure/delay, then inclement weather leave is available for use.
Guin Closure if HMSC Campus Doesn’t Close
- The Guin Library director or their assigned delegate will inform the Dean of Libraries.
- For Valley, Guin, and Cascades closures and delays, the Dean of Libraries (Library Dean) sends a "canned” message to all staff about the closure or delay.
- Emergency contacts can be found on Box
- The Guin Library Director or their assigned delegate will inform the HMSC Administration Office.
- Relevant individuals will update posted library hours including:
- Guin Library website banner (LIT)
- Social media (Guin Staff/Director)
- Voicemail (Guin Staff/Director)
- Onsite signage – Guin Staff/Director
- Guin Library Director will contact their department staff and initiate their unit’s remote essential services plan.
- Essential services plans do not depend on classified staff.
- Classified staff who are scheduled for remote work that day and assigned in writing to work during the closure or delay (FWAA must be on file) must work their shift or receive approval to take accrued leave. If they are similarly impacted by the inclement event, they may use inclement leave (SEIU contract, pg. 100).
- Guin Library staff initiate the building closure
- Lock doors
- Work with HMSC Operations to lock electronically-locked door
- Unused staff computers
- Public computers
- Scanners
- Turn off building lights
- Dispose of perishable items
- Secure all entries/exits
- Inform patrons of the upcoming closure and ask them to leave if needed.
- Turn off equipment
- If closure is likely to be long-term
- Inform Guin Library Director once all staff and faculty have left the building, if needed.
- Guin Library Director or staff will notify the Alliance Courier and the Lincoln County Library District of the closure. They will also notify the Lincoln County Library District libraries of closure and courier issues.
- Time reporting for closure or delay will follow the university’s time reporting matrix,
- If the HMSC Campus is not officially closed, inclement weather leave cannot be used.
Cascades Library
OSU Cascades Previous Day or Early Morning Campus Delay or Closure Announcement
Library Director will:
- Notify the Dean of Libraries (Library Dean) who will send a "canned” message to all staff about the closure or delay.
- Emergency contacts can be found on Box
- Contact scheduled student workers via text about closure and cancelation of shifts
- Submit need for alert text on Cascades Library page to LIT
- Post to social media (currently Instagram)
- Update voicemail message with temporary closure information
- Notify Alliance of library closure
OSU Cascades Mid-day Campus Closure
Library Director will:
- Notify the Dean of Libraries (Library Dean) who will send a "canned” message to all staff about the closure or delay.
- Emergency contacts can be found on Box
- Communicate with scheduled students about closure and cancelation of further shifts that day
- Submit need for alert text on Cascades Library page to LIT
- Post to social media (currently Instagram)
- Update voicemail message with temporary closure information
- Notify Alliance of library closure if closure occurs prior to delivery window
OSULP Reduced Operations Plan
- LEAD - services covered by LEAD faculty (and possibly other faculty) who have appropriate equipment and power at remote location
- Libanswers coverage of Info Queue (covered by LEAD faculty and other library faculty per communication with those scheduled to staff)
- Circ email inbox
- Libanswers coverage of Info Queue, if scheduled, or if needed to fill in
- Monitor online applications and sites; update banners on sites, as needed
- All classified and unclassified members of LIT have FWAA in place
- Those who work remotely would a) work their scheduled shift or b) take accrued leave
- Those who work onsite would a) work their scheduled shift remotely, or b) take accrued leave
- Various email inboxes
- Courier form can be completed
- Communicate with delivery drivers via door signage
- (long-term closure) Be removed from Summit rota, turn off lending in OCLC
- Email inbox
- R&L
- LibAnswers coverage of Info queue
- LibAnswers coverage of SCARC queue
- Email
- Guin Library
- Monitor HMSC Library email
- Communicate with Orbis Cascade Alliance and Lincoln County Library District couriers. Notify Lincoln County Library District libraries of the closure and courier issues.
- Confirm with HMSC Operations that the electronically-locked door remains locked.
- OSU Cascades Library
- Monitor email and voicemail
- Notify courier of closure if full-day