2019-02-20 Meeting Notes

2019-02-20 Meeting Notes

Coordinator: Bryan

Present: Bryan Feyerherm, Don Frier, Philip Sites


  1. EOP & Disaster Recovery Plan Review
    1. The EOP is finished and a signed copy has been sent to Mark Becker at OSU Emergency Management. Bryan will share copies with non-library departments.
    2. Don & Bryan met with LAMP on Monday to work on completing the Disaster Recovery Plan. LAMP has been very supported in getting this document completed. Don took notes and Bryan will update the document and then share with the safety committee to review. Things to note are:
      1. Collection valuations will no longer be placed in the document. Larry Landis will store a copy and a copy is also available at Risk Services. 
      2. Michael Boock will be removed from the subject specialist list and Mary Markland added.
      3. Rachel's title will now be Building Manager in the document
      4. Need to note proxy's for the Disaster Team Leaders
      5. Library Admin will direct communication with OSU during emergencies. Dan Moret will handle library news releases after the immediate emergency.
      6. Statement needs to be added that branch libraries will operate independently and add contact info. Vet Med contacts will be Faye or Mary.
      7. Need to contact Tom Booth with OSU Press about salvage priorities
      8. Faye will initiate a recovery specialist agreement
      9. Admin will work on locating an off-site location for Command Center/Temporary Space. Old foundation building added as a possibility.
      10. Disaster Team Leaders should have a copy of the plan in their office and at home. Don will provide copies when plan is complete.
      11. Will add info about rooms 3073 & 5065 locations.
      12. Will add a page listing revisions
      13. Valley Safety Committee will review the plan annually in the summer and LAMP in Sept. 
      14. Bryan will update current in-house supply list. Committee will work on creating a central supply depot and location and look into individual floor disaster supply kits.
      15. Margaret has shared updates to ETS salvage priorities
  2. Active Shooter Training
    1. Bryan will contact Susan Tannenbaum about a procedure for library depts/work areas to request active shooter training. 
    2. A building wide drill would not be practical
  3. Workplace Ergonomics Guidelines 
    1. Would like to provide ergonomic info on the Safety Wiki site. Don mentioned that purchasing ergonomic equipment may be more challenging with the budget cuts, but we can still offer resources and support if needed.
    2. Bryan will seek a volunteer to work on this. 
  4. First Aid/CPR Training Changes
    1. The committee is wondering how off-site training through Dixon is going for employees. Is the certified staff list being updated?
    2. All should know that certification doesn't have to be through Dixon, but any comparable training will count as a certification (as in LBCC, Good Samaritan or military courses)
    3. Philip will send out an email update about the program and ask if everyone that is certified has been added to the list
    4. First Aid Kits
      1. Bryan shared that the AED and staff room first aid kits are being checked monthly by a student employee. This is working out well. 
      2. These first aid kits were updated in the fall including larger boxes and replacement of expired supplies. Each kit has a supply list as well as a date checked list.
  5. Unscheduled Building Closure Procedures
    1. Bryan has updated the Web Hours contacts to Matthew Schuck and Lori Hilterbrand. Hour changes are through Alma. 

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