2019-07-22 Meeting Notes
2019-07-22 Meeting Notes
Coordinator - Bryan
Minutes - Bryan
Present - Bryan, Dan, Don, Elizabeth, Jim, Kerri, Rachel, Kerri
- LAMP Threat Evacuation Suggestions Review
- Reviewed committee assessment of the threat evacuation in June to be reviewed by LAMP
- Bryan will revise and share with the committee. Don and Bryan will present to LAMP.
- Bridge Library Safety Essentials Training
- Don, Elizabeth, Bryan and Rachel will be creating a Valley Library Safety Essentials Training through Bridge.
- Draft will be ready by Aug. 12 with completion in September. Will share with the safety committee for review.
- Summer Evacuation Drill
- Will have an evacuation drill the week of Aug. 5.
- Bryan will coordinate and send out an announcement the week before.
- University Safety Walk
- All committee members are invited to participate in the annual Campus Safety Walk on Aug. 7 at 2 pm. Will meet in the lobby.
- Safety Wiki Site Review
- All committee members should review our Safety Wiki site and update where needed. You can do it yourself or inform Bryan or Don. Need to make sure links work and content is correct.
- Safety Week
- Safety Week will be the week of Sept. 16th. Details to be announced.
- Will try to have fire extinguisher training during this week. We were rained out last year.
- Disaster Plan
- Bryan sent out a summary to complete and update the Library Disaster Recovery Plan.
- Bryan will ask for volunteers to finish the plan.
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