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Rachel noted that we cannot call ourselves a safety committee because that puts us under OSHA's umbrella and guidelines.
Agenda Changes or Additions
5 min.
Preparations: Review draft agreements at the end of the agenda document and come prepared to discuss, offer changes additions or subtractions.
Rachel went over the agreements. No one felt much need for discussion.
10 min.
How we function
How to create agendas?
Do we want to send out a call/ create them collaboratively?
Determine standing items of discussion:
Policy/Procedure review rotating or relevant,
UHSC and Campus information share,
Review of Incident and Accident Reports - this may include campus incidents and how it relates to the library.
Meeting times/ length?
Should we have 60 minute meetings?
Shorter meetings bi-monthly?
How do we balance that with partners attending?
Agenda Creation
Call out/Create collaboratively
Sagan suggested adding 5 minutes at the end of each meeting to look forward to next meeting.
Reference a calendar for regular events to prepare for (safety week, great shakeout)
Standing items of discussion
Review a policy or procedure each meeting. Spend about 5 minutes on this.
Rachel attends UHSC meetings and will share those out university level information with this council. Will share with entire library as needed.
Sharing Regular Campus Safety information.
Regular review of Incident and Accident reports to examine them from a preventative or proactive place. What can we put in place to prevent these things from happening in the future? Ways to support staff, etc. Accident reports are reviews at UHSC and may be worth reviewing here at times.
Lucinda suggested reviewing documentation as part of policy and procedure reviews at times.
Sagan suggested training: sharing training any of us have attended, reviewing areas where training may be needed, sharing opportunities for training.
Meeting times/ length?
60 minutes
Standing monthly meeting
Partners were regularly invited to these meetings in the past but only SMS is currently in the building.
Also want to allow time for library specific items that partners don’t need/want to be part of.
Possible structures include:
30 minutes with partners and then 30 minutes of regular business without partners
Partners included every other month.
Agreed that we will do monthly with partners, 30-30 structure
First few months without partners.
Will begin including partners mid-Summer
5 min.
Notetaking, documentation and transparency -
Should we use the wiki? Google? Box? Purpose of each method.
Brief review of important documents and where to find them.
How information has been stored historically:
Box Folder has been traditionally used for “official” documents
Google has been used for collaboration
Wiki for transparency.
Council agreed to continue with this structure.
Box has
Library EOP (Emergency Operations Plan. There is also a campus-level document that library needs to abide by.
The library-specific operations document needs some review.
Much of that information is also on the wiki (both safety and LEAD).
Need to make sure these policies are accurate, up-to-date, and in line with campus policies.
Anne-Marie is working with campus to get clarification of inclement weather leave in the SEIU contract and how that works with buildings like the library that operate outside M-F, 8-5 traditional hours.
Discussion: Any suggestions for changes and clarifications.
Rachel lead a review of the draft document outlining Safety Council scope and purpose.
Karl asked how we would go about discussing updates to the EOP. Wondered if there was a Slack Channel. (There is)
Several contacts that need to be updated in the document.
20 min
Priorities For 2021
Preparation: Please review the Safety Council Draft, add comments and suggestions on the document if desired, and come prepared to discuss immediate priorities.
Campus Alerts for Valley
Discussion: Identify Groups and Users (All Employees, Partners, Student Workers, Managers, etc.
Defining Rolls, especially communication in any incident or emergency process.
Discussion: Create templates for scenarios and audiences.
Trainings: EHS Offerings, Drills and Evacuations.
Discussion: What are the priority trainings?
Identifying and Prioritizing Crisis Level Gaps
Discussion: Loss of organizational knowledge, upper level communication and procedure, and crisis roles
Discussed in depth:
LibSafety email address
Primarily for communication within the group
Use pre-existing methods for reporting safety concerns (lib maint, instant reporting forms, to dept rep)
We will also be acting as a rep for our departments and their concerns.
Emergency Contact list
How often should that list be updated?
Rachel worked with manager in January. Should it be revisited again this year?
Quarterly call-out to managers for updates. Add to Safety Council calendar.
OSU Alert-Library
Who would be the people trained for this?
What scenarios trigger that alert.
Develop scripts and responses for use during emergency
Have these posted next to pa system
Create quick reference documents for crisis and emergency response as well as other physical reference documents throughout the building (such as LEAD’s “doomsday” binder).
Safety maps showing AED’s, flashlights, etc. in the building.
Will review and discuss the remainder of the priorities more in our future meetings. Rachel invited the council to add comments and edits to this list.
5 min
Rachel will make sure everyone is on the LibSafety email address
Rachel will share some maps and schematics with Derrick
Add training to the next agenda –looking at EHS training and first aid trainings needed.
All: Review Safety Council draft, making eidts and additions as needed in preparation for our next meeting.