2021-06-03 Meeting notes

2021-06-03 Meeting notes



Call to Order

Agenda Changes or Additions

Updates from University Health and Safety Committee        5 Minutes    Rachel

Review of May Incident Reports             5 Minutes    Sagan

  • None for May
  • Links have been switched
  • Landing for old form has information for new link’
  • Changed the title to the form and added Guin maps

De-escalation Training Discussion             20 Minutes    All

    RE: Kenna’s Email, LEAD is looking for training in August.
    Question: Is this something we want to request funding for to offer all library staff?

  • There is interest in De-escalation training outside of service desks. Could do two different trainings. One for service desk staff and one for everyone else. Perhaps a short version for student worker orientation? 
  • Should provide to all staff. If we can’t provide it to student workers, ensure student worker leads are trained to train student workers.

Current Options:
Crisis Prevention Institute
White Bird Clinic (significantly less expensive and local, still waiting for more information)
Funding Needs: Administration Support/LAMP
Outcome: Identify priorities and next steps in supporting de-escalation training to library employees. August as a goal for offering training.

  • For training student workers: training certification is good for 2 years. Perhaps train Rachel and Sagan?
  • For funding, a proposal needs to be presented to LAMP right away, by the end of the month if the goal is August.Sagan has said they will help. Perhaps Kenna as well since she has done initial research. 
  • Rachel spoke to DPS. They are anticipating more stressors this fall and doing de-escalation training for their officers. DPS has offered to speak at an Admin briefing.
  • Derrick suggested this can also be seen as a community building exercise, especially as we all return to the building and readjust to working in closer quarters again.
  • OSU Assist (crisis response team) has a webinar tomorrow. Karl and Rachel have registered. Others may want to look into it as well. 

Action: Ask DPS to speak at an Admin briefing.

Action: Follow up with Kenna about preparing proposal for LAMP. If she agrees, Sagan and Kenna will write up a proposal for LAMP for either late June or early July meeting.

Safety Training Schedule Review and Prioritizing Trainings 15 Minutes All 


  • Do there need to be additions or changes?
  • What should safety week look like this year?
  • Present Safety Council Information at an Admin Briefing? (Purpose Document, Incident Form, Wiki, OSU Alerts Valley Library?)
  • What training priorities would we like to set as folks return onsite?
  • General safety information and reminders, department specific safety information, what else?

Outcome: Edit and finalize training schedule. Begin discussion of Safety Week planning. 

  • Safety week is usually scheduled for early/mid September. Rachel is suggesting the first week of September if that makes sense. The evacuation drill is usually done in early October but Rachel would like to see one in July or August as well. Discussion for having a first drill in August when we are closed so new staff can familiarize themselves with the process. We would still do a drill in October as well. This will be a good opportunity for all staff to have a refresher.
  • Safety council’s role during the evacuation drill will be to observe and watch for areas of importance. October drill will be unannounced but August will be announced. Leading up to that, departments could schedule walk-throughs of a drill as well to prep staff. 
  • Safety week could be scheduled for a week in early September or it could be stretched out to a month and break it up. Rachel suggested doing a presentation at an Admin briefing that would be targeted information. The priorities for topics are Evacuation drills, OSU Alerts/Communication, First Aid/CPR/AED training. Lots of discussion about the best way to present all this information. There is a changing landscape so it is hard to anticipate how this should look.

Departmental Safety, Summer Fire Drills, AED, and First Aid Kits    10 Minutes    Rachel

Questions: Who does this communication, checking of supplies for your department? Schedule for Summer?
Outcome: Assigning Roles and Identifying Supply Needs

  • First Aid/CPR training is a high priority for staff. Many who are/were certified either no longer work here or their credentials are close to expiring.
  • Council members are responsible to be the safety representative for their department which means checking supplies, communicating with department safety priorities, refreshing safety training/information. 
  • First Aid kits: List of supplies in each kit. Should be checked regularly, replace outdated supplies, purchased by individual departments.

Action: Lucinda will create a shared document for supply list and checklist for routine checks of first aid kits for all council members to use with their department first aid kits.

Action: Each member will check in with their departments to review evacuation procedures with their departments. 

Action: Each member will check their department first aid kits.

Other Matters Arising

Action Item Review

  • Action: Rachel: Ask DPS to speak at an Admin briefing.
  • Action: Sagan: Follow up with Kenna about preparing proposal for LAMP. If she agrees, Sagan and Kenna will write up a proposal for LAMP for either late June or early July meeting.
  • Action: Rachel: Look into training the trainers for student workers and deescalation.
  • Action: Lucinda will create a shared document for supply list and checklist for routine checks of first aid kits for all council members to use with their department first aid kits.
  • Action: Each member will check in with their departments to review evacuation procedures with their departments. 
  • Action: Each member will check their department first aid kits.
