Service Desk-Specific Topics

Service Desk-Specific Topics

Evacuation Door Monitor Equipment

Evacuation Door Monitor Equipment
Circulation staff and students serve as door monitors during a building evacuation. Their role is to monitor the outside emergency exits, contact emergency personnel and library administration, prevent people from entering the building, encourage people to move away from the building, report problems or issues, and notify people when the they can re-enter or the building has been closed. Door monitors communicate with each other using 2 way radios.

When leaving the building, the door monitors take a bag from the Circulation book drop closet with equipment and resources to serve as door monitors. It includes:

  • orange safety vest
  • 2 way radio
  • mega phone
  • flashlight
  • folder containing contact information and procedures.



Library Building

Be familiar with the library building. Review the library floormaps and take a tour of unfamiliar areas when you can. Emergency exits and phones are indicated on the maps.

Patron Problems

If you are having problems (harassment, intoxication, etc) with a patron in the library, contact your supervisor or Circulation staff (evenings/weekend) to handle the situation. If the patron will not cooperate contact Campus Security (7-3010). For immediate emergencies call 911.

Public Address (PA) System

The public address system behind Circulation/SMS/OCH desk on the 2nd floor and can be used to contact a patron with a personal emergency situation. If the patron requesting an announcement says it is for an emergency situation, do not question them. Note a contact number if the request is made by phone or have the requestor remain near the desk. The person being requested should be asked to come to the 2nd floor Circulation desk.

Power Outages

(an emergency generator activates within one minute to supply power for emergency lighting and the public address system.)

  • Weekdays: Building manager reports outage and notifies Circulation staff if a public evacuation announcement is needed via the public address system. Staff will monitor emergency exits.
  • Evenings and weekends: Circulation staff call Security (7-3010) and the building manager. If power will not be restored within 10 minutes, an evacuation announcement is made via the PA system upon the decision of the building manager. Staff monitor exits as during an emergency evacuation.
  • PA Announcement: (repeat at two minute intervals)
    “Your attention please. The building is being evacuated. Use the stairs and the main entrance doors. Do not use elevators. If you are unable to use stairs, wait on the stair landings for assistance.”

If the lights do go out, there are flashlights in your work area available for use. If an evacuation is necessary, you will be notified and follow basic building evacuation procedures.

Circulation Building Evacuation and Power Interruption/Outage Procedures.

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