2022-02-02 Meeting notes

2022-02-02 Meeting notes



Discussion items


Call to Order

Agenda Changes or Additions

5 minutesUHSC MeetingRachel
  • Fire walks have been occurring throughout campus. Fire Marshall will be back next month for Valley Library. All the issues are things to be addressed by Facilities.
  • Discussed the Reser stadium implosion and effect across campus
  • Accident reports for the month-none from Valley Library
15 minutesIncident ReportsSagan

3 incident reports for January

  • 1st report-staff member harassed by patron. Student worker stalked while walking the stacks.
    • Referred student employee to CAPS
    • Haven't heard any follow-up from student
    • Student used the term "stalked" but we don't know the specific actions occurring that lead to that terminology.
    • Kenna asked if the student would be helped by having a second employee with them with working in the stacks?
    • Chris N. asked about how safe the student is feeling? Sagan/Erin didn't know because it wasn't a LEAD student. No member of their department was at the meeting to report back on this but Sagan did speak with student's supervisor about a response.
      • Sagan would like to create documentation for how to create a safety plan for a student.
      • Kenna suggested this be on the agenda next meeting.
      • Questioned if numbers can be blocked. Lucinda will follow-up with Telecom
  • 2nd report–Staff member harassed by patron over the phone. Student employee received obscene call.
    • Explicit language about what the caller was planning to do to student employee.
    • Patron did call back later than night.
    • Has been reported to bias response team as slurs were also used
    • Also reported to EOA due to sexual harassment component.
    • Sagan did follow up with a student about how safe the student was feeling.
    • That number is now listed as "do not answer".
    • Follow-up with student pending.
  • 3rd report–more informational to create documentation. On the "cusp" of library safety. Regular patron expressed fears about going home to roommate who had Covid.
    • Evening when all resources were closed. Very cold outside.
    • Student lived in campus housing.
    • Student was connected with RD through UHSC night shift employee
    • Student was moved through an emergency room transfer.
    • Roommate met Sagan's reading of isolation criteria but hadn't tested so RD didn't think roommate met critera.
    • Student slept in housing lounge first night.
    • Sagan has followed up with the CARE team.
    • Team expressed gratitude that Sagan reported this, the student felt comfortable enough to ask a staff member.
    • Discussed the reputation of the library to be a go to for all the answers, historical incidents when the Library was open 24/5. Many of us are not aware of resources available.
    • HSRC provides emergency housing options, not sure if there is after hours support; Dean of Students is a resource. UHDS does have after hours contacts.
    • Student Care Team may be another good contact.
    • Might be able to find a list of after hours resources.
15 MinutesEOP Updates and ReviewsAll
  • Had a couple work sessions
  • Rachel reached out to Brandon Christensen about Council suggestions for outdated language in university policy sections regarding:
    • sexual harassment
    • hostage situations
    • child abduction (no language currently included)
  • Updated distribution list to include all of our building partners. Physical copies will also be distributed in multiple locations
  • Need to add a Table of Contents-Sagan volunteered. Chris also offered to help.
  • Lucinda is working with her students to update evacuation maps and assembly areas
  • Kenna will look at web links which have been intentionally left typed out.
  • Discussed Appendix C numbers.
  • Formatting adjustments need to be made using the desktop client of Word. Rachel will set a cut-off date for edits. Most likely next Monday or Tuesday.
  • Most of the remaining content concerns/changes need to occur at the university level.

Follow-up work

  • Review a communications plan
  • Create a quick emergency reference guide

Disaster Recovery plan upcoming

Action Item Review

I think Student Care Team might be a good contact as well: https://studentlife.oregonstate.edu/student-care

Action items

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