2022-04-21 Meeting notes

2022-04-21 Meeting notes



Discussion items


Call to OrderRachel

Additions to AgendaRachel
5 min

University Health and Safety Committee Report Out

  • Committee membership/representation across campus
  • Speed bumps on Washington are causing accidents for bicyclists due to abrupt nature of speed bumps
  • EHS trainings were discussed
10 min

Incident Report Follow Up


  • Carving in the wall of a staff area cubicle in LEAD.
  • Unclear if it was intentional or accidental but looked much like a Neo-Nazi symbol.
  • Sagan filed Library Incident report and a Bias report. Met with Miguel of OID.
  • Lucinda submitted a work order and the wall was repaired within a couple hours.
  • Lucinda mentioned it to DPS who followed up with OID as well.
  • OID recommended our response for staff focused on managing distress and feelings of being unsafe rather than figuring out who is responsible for the graffiti.
  • Sagan and Lucinda realized not everyone is familiar with these symbols. Rachel mentioned that Google Lens can help identify if you don't know where to start.
  • Anti defamation league and Southern Poverty Law Center have good databases for hate symbols.
  • Teresa mentioned that when Facilities arrived, the painter spoke to SMS–no one from Circ was around at the moment. SMS had no idea what was going on.  Eventually Matthew arrived and was able to direct the painter to the damage.


  • In March a patron got stuck in elevator 2 on the first floor.
  • Erin sent out a message in the SOS Slack channel that DPS was on their way.
  • Lucinda met the public safety officers (not police officers) at elevators 1 & 2.
  • The officers were having difficulty communicating when they split up because their radios do no work well in the building.
  • They quickly located the patron on the 1st floor and were able to help them get out of the elevator.
  • In the meantime elevators 4 & 5 also went down–tripped relays likely caused by a power surge.
  • Otis responded shortly and was able to get the elevators back online.
  • When DPS arrived, they didn't check in at any desk. Erin caught up with them in the Avenue. However, it was understandable as to why they were in a rush.
  • Erin and Lucinda agreed both officers were very helpful and informative when asked questions by library staff.
10 min

Fire Drill Spring Term Discussion

  • Report overall is the drill went well.
  • Some radio failures for LEAD. LEAD does the heavy lifting for these evacuations.
  • Used the fake fire. Seemed to go well.
  • Rachel was offsite-Megan was back-up
  • Need to make sure everyone checks in with their department heads and waits for the all-clear before going back into the building.
  • Some light outages in the stairwells that have been addressed. One appears to have a bad ballast so Lucinda will follow-up wiht Facilities
10 min

Safety Trainings

EHS is rolling out some new training this Spring. Currently all part of Bridge but moving to a new system due to certification requirements.

  • Training List (supervisor, office work, etc)
    • Fire and Life Safety training has fire extinguisher training
    • Occupational health and safety has good office safety training
    • Supervisor training as well
  • Ergonomics (SAIF Training)
    • EHS has an entire page devoted to Ergonomics
    • You can do ergonomic training through EHS to assess work area
5 minAction Item ReviewLucinda

Action items

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