2022-11-02 Meeting notes

2022-11-02 Meeting notes



Discussion items


Call to OrderRachel

Additions to the Agenda

5 min.University Health and Safety Committee ReportRachel
  • Reviewed Incident reports
  • Discussed upcoming fire safety walks.
  • Valley Library is typically scheduled for December.
    • Results shared with Safety Council
10 min.Incident ReportsSagan

Multiple incidents of student employees at the service desks being harrassed.

  • In one case a student was approached both at work and outside of work.
    • she was given some guidance and connected with EOA
  • Nov. 17 a repeat offender for approaching students with sexual comments.
  • Student was repeatedly getting locked out of study rooms and being inappropriate when student employee walked with them to the room to let them back in.
    • LEAD staff now escort students back to the rooms instead of student employees.
  • LEAD has met with EOA.
    • Nothing specifically that can be done to address this patron because of dual relationship: patron/employee, student peers.
    • Higher standard for repercussions because patron is a student, but EOA is in contact with the student making sexual comments.
    • Internal processes and guidelines being clarified within LEAD
      • Empowering students to set boundaries
      • Staff stepping in and setting boundaries on behalf of students
      • Clear and complete documentation

Public safety came in to check on an alarm

911 call in the Library where cause was determined

Motorcycles being parked on the plaza next to the front doors multiple times.

  • Frequently reported after the motorcycle was gone.
  • One incident where transportation was contacted and follow-up happened because motorcycle was seen parked by staff.

Patron reported they were being filmed without consent by another student

  • Public safety had arrived for closing walk through, so it was handed off to them. They were unable to find the person filming.
  • Public safety returned the next night to meet the student making the complaint to find the person filming, but student making the complaint didn't show up.

Medical Emergency-student had a seizure.

  • Lots of responders.
  • Erin and Lucinda stood by throughout to witness and encourage de-escalation.

Takeaways from these reports:

  • Partners can also file these incident reports. We are going to make sure the link is on the home page of the Safety Council wiki home page
  • Discussions of available training for students and staff to deal with unwanted attention and setting boundaries. Good agenda item for next month's meeting.
  • Ashlerose Francia (541-737-6155) is the EOA rep for the library.
15 min.

Safety Week Check in

  • Review of Safety Week (10/10/22)
  • What worked well?
  • What didn't work well or could be improved.
  • Review Safety week on the wiki
Kenna, Karl, Derrick

What worked:

  • Most successful partnership was with EOA for fire extinguisher training.
    • Donuts were a draw for staff
    • Extinguisher training was a draw for students
    • Feedback requesting training with flames and smoke which can be done through EOA but only at the EOA site.
      • training with flame can be more intense and scary for some.
  • Drop-in stretching as partnership with CAPS was a good event as well. Had people drop-in throughout the 2 hour period.
  • Lise's presentation of Ham radio was excellent.

Challenges mostly centered around forgetting what day it was–function of still transitioning from pandemic to normal operations.

  • One partner completely forgot they had signed up and didn't show.

Least successful event

  • low turnout/attendance
  • people wanted popcorn and click on the Godzilla link
  • some people participated remotely so there may have been more attendance than readily apparent
  • Hand sanitizer refill station had some issues, such as color and leakage.

Moving forward

  • Community fair model might be a good approach. Many other units were interested in participating and this might be simpler for them.
  • Email was a good way to connect to people.
  • Kenna sent out updates via Slack forgetting not everyone uses it. Many use Teams.
  • Send out schedule of events more in advance. Some people were unable to attend due to scheduling conflicts.

Thanks to Kenna, Karl, and Derrick for their work setting this up.

5 min.Action Item ReviewLucinda

Action items

  • Add incident report link to wiki home page
  • Discuss trainings for personal safety next month.

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