2023-04-06 Meeting notes

2023-04-06 Meeting notes



April 6, 2023
Call to Order

Welcome Cyd! 
Karl McCreary is rotating off Safety Council and Cyd will represent SCARC. Cydney Hill

Additions or changes to the agenda? Announcements?
UHSC Recap (5 min) Rachel

Incident Reports (10 Min) Sagan

Policy and Procedures   ALL (20 Min)

New policy for campus and response to ‘code adam’ and child safety.
Child Safety Policy
Code Adam

These policies are new and relevant for visits by student groups, bring your child to campus day, etc.
How do we train and support staff in responding throughout the building?
Some training options:
General Information/Training: https://www.missingkids.org/education/training/codeadam
Not everyone knows what a code adam is. It is like a code silver (missing elderly person). A basic training like the one here might be a good start to education overall.

Library Specific Trainings:

Boca Raton Public Library prezi: https://prezi.com/8gyb8axuei1j/code-adam-training/

 Allen County Public Library PowerPoint: http://acpltraining.pbworks.com/w/file/fetch/65833112/Missing%20Child%202013%20printable.pdf and slide video: https://slideplayer.com/slide/9994270/

 Oregon City Public Library: https://www.orcity.org/library/code-adam

City of Puyallup Public Library: https://www.cityofpuyallup.org/740/Code-Adam

Library portion of meeting:
Trainings     ALL  (20 Mins)
Active Threat
                    Where do we start? What can we offer?
-This is a difficult topic to discuss and tackle.
-Must allow for people to opt out of trainings
-Sent out the information via email last month. Responses varied from not wanting to see or interact with the idea of active threat to planning exhaustive scenarios and multistep instructurions

-There is the bridge training from campus - has some good info but also a bit of outdated information. Better than nothing and it is a training that we can easily offer.
-Invite Shanon to Admin Briefing in the Summer? Would department specific trainings be better, more specific to each group and space? Current thought is yes…

Floor Monitor trainings are still offered monthly!

First Aid Training
                    No longer provided by Dixon, will need to look for another resource.
Looking into other options: Likely an outside/NonOSU company.


Safety Week Committee     ALL (Kenna recap?)  (5 Min)
        Any volunteers?
Kenna recapped safety week, cited history of Bryan Feyerherm and safety weeks. Last year did email topic per day, some events like safety tabling event, fire extinguisher trainings, and disaster film. Will be looking for new subcommittee member this year in May/June to start planning of this fall.

Action Items


 For Quick Reference:

Safety Council Purpose and Priorities document 

Safety Training Schedule                                  

Emergency Operations Plan for Valley Library Building

Disaster Recovery Plan for Valley Library Building (being revised)

Action items

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