2023-02-02 Meeting notes

2023-02-02 Meeting notes



Discussion items

University Health and Safety Committee Share Out (Rachel)  5 Min
Discussed campus fire inspections
Campus accident reports

Incident Reports (Sagan)                                                                      10 Min

              Incident report use and notifications                     10 Min
Should there be any changes to the form?
Not at this time.
How does the information get stored and accessed long term?

Make sure everyone that needs to receive incident report is receiving.
Incident reports can be used by partners as well!

OSU Training   (Karl)                                                                         5 Min                

Workplace Safety Culture Task Force
The webinar will be held from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 8, 2023.
Please use this link to register to participate in the webinar: https://beav.es/59F

Rachel is going, Karl, others can sign up too!

Active Shooter Training
Not everyone is comfortable with this topic - craft a message with warning in subject line. Want to create a message to send out to building. Rachel will write up and wants input, support from Safety Council. Creating a draft for comments and needs support from group.

Action items


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