2/9/21 Updates
2/9/21 Updates
Roof Replacement
Weekly roof meetings continue.
- The architect is putting together an estimate of cost.
- Next step will be Rachel discussing the scope of this project with the architect and Campus Project Manager.
- A “phased” approach to the roof is being considered. Rachel is continuing to emphasize how the roof replacement is interconnected with the cell towers project and the solar panels installation.
Offsite Storage
- Working on finalizing the moving contract with Bertsch Moving & Storage.
Smaller Projects
- Grad Commons: We are coordinating with Grad Commons staff for several furniture deliveries scheduled through 2/15/21
- 3755: Academic Tech is working on upgrades to this meeting room this week.
- SCARC Environmental Monitoring Systems: SCARC has put together a proposal for monitoring their environmental controls. Rachel is consulting with them to review the proposal and consider systems for their use.
Ongoing Building Operations
- Lucinda was out on vacation Tuesday-Friday last week, so Rachel was onsite Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
- We are piloting of new key request process using an Asana form. Lucinda has been working on this for quite a while; if it goes well will likely use similar process for telecom.
- Escorted EHS representative to inspect fire extinguishers in SCARC.
- Press cabinets: one was moved into the press area; the other two are being sent to surplus. This takes care of the last fire code violation once they are removed.
- Spacesaver will be onsite 2/10-11/21 for repairs to compact shelving on 1st floor and a full service for 3rd floor.
- Rachel met with Kristi King about Little Villages processes related to COVID infections in Milne daycare.
- Rachel is planning to update the Telecom Contacts list and the Library Emergency Contact Lists.
- Rachel attended a webinar training for Library Operations and Planning related to COVID/Emergencies.
- Restructuring the Safety Committee is in the works.
- Rachel has begun to draft a document for Library Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP). This planning is used to determine how essential operations are performed during an emergency situation.
- A task force has been set up to discuss directory/signage for the library in fall (SMS, LEAD, etc).