December 14, 2021

December 14, 2021

Telecom Updates

We've been doing a lot of work with Telecom over the past few weeks. With so many staffing changes since we shut down in March, 2020, it has taken some time to get everything updated. Part of the challenge was the departure of our previous Telecom coordinator mid-pandemic. We didn't have someone to ask onsite, and some documentation had been lost. No worries. We soldiered on and figured it out.

Directory Updates

The first step was to submit several directory updates. The directory controls what information is displayed in both Outlook's address book and the searchable directory found in the OSU main page search function. If you find your information is not accurate, and you want it updated, please let Lucinda know.

New VOIP phones

It was rather shocking to learn how many people were still using phones without any digital display! We have purchased 20 new VOIP phones over the past month, prioritizing service desk staff. If your phone doesn't have a digital display, and you would like a new phone, please let Lucinda know.

Pick up groups

A pick up group is a group of people/phone numbers that all can answer a call for another line, typically a service number such as Circulation or ILL. We've been working with Telecom to get some of these groups updated. Many had names on them of folks who've not worked here for quite some time. It really took Lucinda down the rabbit hole, mapping out some of the more complex setups (Loading dock bell-I'm looking at you). Now we are working on documenting the groups, so they are easier to keep updated in the future.

Data port mapping

For about 2 years now we have been working hard to map out all of the data ports in the building. This has been a process of trial and error figuring out how to manage a massive amount of information in a way that is practical and accessible. Evan started the work and now Mackenzie has taken over. She has been extremely persistent and determined to figure it out. Rachel and Lucinda have both been very grateful for the hard work of our student employees. If you see Mackenzie, clipboard in hand, poking around a desk or staring at a spot on the wall, chances are she is working on this project.

Intersession work

Rachel mentioned this in her last blog post. For the first time in two years, we are doing our typical "reset" over Winter Intersession. Just like everything else, there is a learning curve as we remember how this works while simultaneously making adjustments for 2 years of change. For example, there are more study rooms than ever to clean this break! As always, we have some amazing student employees from multiple departments who are more efficient than Lucinda could have hoped for. (She was a little stressed last week anticipating the work!) We have also been moving some staff into new work spaces and making sure they have all the things they need (new keys, moved phone lines, etc.).