

Building floor maps are updated annually by a committee with representation from departments most frequently creating, distributing, and utilizing the maps, or responsible for changes in the building that will impact the maps. These departments include:

  • Admin (Spaces & Graphics)

  • LEAD

  • RAS

  • LIT

Representatives from other departments may be included as needed/desired.

Map distribution

Floor maps are used in multiple settings to meet different needs. As such, there are multiple versions of the map created and distributed each year.

  • LEAD Desk version (binder rings for 8.5” x 11” versions):

  • Kiosks: LIT for file type/sizing

  • Website: LIT for file type/sizing

    • simplified digital versions

  • Wayfinding Maps: (*you are here stars for location indicators)

    • East stairwell, west stairwell, avenue elevators, core elevators, 14” x20”

  • 8.5”x11” PDF version - PDF, JPG, PNG (Distributed files) stored in Box for access

    • Wayfinding without *you are here indicators*

  • Service brochure/maps pamphlet: 11”x17”

    • Simplified version

Suggested Principles/Guidelines

Wayfinding version

  • Include room numbers in offices, classrooms, staff areas and mechanical closets. Storage closets do not need to be numbered.

  • Consistent icon legend for all floors

  • Only safety icons should be red.

Service brochure version

  • Do not include room numbers/labels for spaces where we generally use names instead when speaking with patrons such as Autzen, Paddle Tail, elevator numbers, etc.

  • Do not include low stakes safety, maintenance, and custodial indicators such as recycling bins, fire extinguishers, etc. 

  • Do not include detailed information about staff areas that are not open to the public.

  • Include emergency exits and phones because those are high stakes safety items.

  • Include items that support basic needs and movement through the building stairs, elevators, and restrooms (unless they are in a staff only area).

  • Indicate spaces set aside for studying as study spaces, even if they are individual rooms, especially since we are trying to limit text on the maps.

  • If we aren't certain it should be included, then don't include.



  • Maintain master maps files. Only ones with editing access to the master files to ensure file integrity.

  • Implement updates to master file annually per group’s guidance.

  • Copy of current year map files will be kept in Reusable Prints Outreach folder for download and editing as needed by library employees. Graphics will update this file annually.

  • Order posters for Wayfinding maps


  • Facilitate annual update process by inviting group members, scheduling meetings and leading the conversation.

  • Hang new Wayfinding maps by elevators and stairwells each year.


  • Update maps on website and kiosks


  • Update text and maps in Service brochure before printing a new run each fall.

  • Print and distribute updated Service desk maps each year.