2016-12-22 Meeting Notes

2016-12-22 Meeting Notes


22 December 2016


Ground Rules:

  • honor time limits (starting and ending)
  • no interrupting /interject at appropriate times
  • listen and be considerate of all opinions
  • be present (limit device distraction)
  • no disruptive side conversations
  • shared responsibility for LEAD goals/outcomes

Desired Outcome

  • Figure out how we are going to pull together the statistical data we have
  • Get an idea of what we are capable of creating in-house/in-OSU in terms of physical signage design

I don't plan to get through all of these things but I hope to get through as much as we can

Discussion Items

5minQuick CatchupAutumn
35minMaking statistical/survey data usefulGroup

Kaitlyn has made great progress analyzing current patron question data (barring technical issues)

  • we have lots of data on what patrons are looking for (bathrooms, printers, scanners, etc.)

considering getting data on specific locations where patrons are getting lost, how they navigate, and wording

  • Seunghae Lee's data is out of date, not comprehensive
  • We will focus on prototyping, assessing through monitoring changes in current statistical gathering processes
  • collect information on what patrons call various locations in library
    • Ask groups briefly "if you were to ask someone to meet you here what would you call this space?" etc.
    • find out how patrons navigate based on specific scenarios (go from circulation to x study room etc.)
    • put up whiteboards in areas "write what you call this space"
    • Consider patrons who do not speak English as a first language (look into research on wayfinding tools for esl customers)

Logistics (What order to change signage?)


Going to start with prototyping and testing then assessment on prototypes

New building manager will be coordinating lots of things related to signage


Whatever we decide to do first...

  • Design
  • Budget
  • Proposal


  • consider osu guidelines for indoor signage
    • Find out if guidelines for indoor signage exist (Victoria?, building managers group?) 
  • OSU has hired two new consultants for campus wide signage and marketing (contact, figure out what they're up to)
  • Contact person with signage design experience
  • More field trips (review Katie's wiki documentation), gather ideas for what we want new signs to look like
  • talk with Dan Moret at next meeting if possible, his interns can do prototyping projects
  • Changeability is key
  • consider having next meeting be a 'working meeting' where we focus on prototyping for signage
  • We hope to come up with internal design guidelines partially through the prototyping process
 Extra info 

ETS likely to add kiosks for wayfinding and catalog access in place of catalog computers near elevator exits

There used to be non-digital map kiosks in front of elevators which were useful

Loss of printed directories in elevators requires patrons to step out of elevator to find out if what they are looking for is even on the current floor, consider multiple/changeable signage in elevators. Elevator signage space is at a premium

Avenues are good central wayfinding areas and there should be signage pointing to most major points of interest from avenues

Call number signage is also important

Signage visibility is an issue, people can't find them when they're looking for them

Should have a high budget/low budget option so we don't end up asking for less than we are able to get

10minWrap up Autumn 

Action Items
