Catalog and Wayfinding Kiosks

Catalog and Wayfinding Kiosks



Autumn Sunshine (Unlicensed)

Beth Filar Williams (Unlicensed)

Lori Hilterbrand (Unlicensed)

Margaret Mellinger (Unlicensed)

David Manela (Unlicensed)

Josh Gum (Unlicensed)

Brandon Straley (Unlicensed)

Ryan Ordway (Unlicensed)

Ben Miller (Unlicensed)


Replace the failing thin-client patron access catalog computers and have a platform for the forthcoming LibNav interactive map on every floor.


February 2017 David will work on patching together the thin-client system that we have so there is at least one catalog station on every floor except the second (where there is already lots of computers and helpful staff)

February 2017 ETS will work on adding catalog features to current touch kiosk app

Summer 2017 Tentative release of new Primo user interface

TBA: kiosk hardware purchasing, new touch kiosk interface up and running, kiosk installation


  • Establish timeline for project and concurrent projects
  • Pick possible locations (assessment, lit review?) 
  • Identify whether or not there are Ethernet ports in locations (elevator vestibule)
  • Establish feasibility/desirability of hardware keyboard
  • Establish approximate budget for project
  • Figure out accessibility needs
  • Create list of possible hardware options
  • If we go with tablets figure out Ethernet access
  • Talk to multimedia services about who makes their custom enclosures
  • Decide what we want to purchase




Primo patron access catalog interface

LibNav interactive library map


Study room reservation system

Campus resource map

Paging function

Already in kiosk app

Library Hours

Promotional slides

Circulation desk kiosk features

Library website (Borrowing policies, fine appeals, etc)

LibraryThing (Browseability for board game and kindle collections)

Orbis Cascade Institutions

ILL request form?


Form factor

Big KioskMedium KioskIpad/Android Tablet Kiosk
Standing Portrait Mode ('slab' style kiosks)Podium Style (consider accessibility issues)Podium Style Enclosure (consider accessibility issues)
Standing Landscape Mode (like the Fairway we have)Adjustable Mount + Heavy Duty MonitorWall Mounted Enclosure
Podium Style (consider accessibility issues)  
Table Style (consider accessibility issues)  
Adjustable Stand/Podium/Table  
Adjustable Mount + Heavy Duty Monitor  


One big/medium kiosk (in elevator vestibule or former catalog computer area)

Multiple big/medium kiosks (in elevator vestibule or former catalog computer area)

Tablets in multiple locations

Big/medium kiosks in key locations with tablets throughout library (at banks of study rooms, possibly in stacks to help with finding materials)

Medium kiosks in various locations

Kiosk at circulation desk for customer self-serve, navigation assistance, same services as existing dual monitor station (shared station in-between, dual monitor, flip back and forth tablet/monitor?)


Mini PC

Mac Mini

HDMI 'stick' computer (Windows/Android)

Raspberry Pi small Linux computer

All in one PC with touchscreen

Tablet (IOS, Android)


Durability (>10 years)

Solid metal enclosures would be desirable


Heavy duty touchscreens (ELO, Planar, NEC)

Network capabilities (Ethernet capable)

Replaceability/modularity of components



Matrix of Kiosk Hardware Options

ModelManufacturerForm FactorSpecificationsAdjustablePer Unit CostUnits DesiredTotal Cost

Digital Lobby Kiosk Stand with Heavy Duty Weighted Base ($291.06)

Displays2go Standing Landscape Mode Y$2,971.064$11,885ish

Touch Screen Stand with Tilting Mount (approx. $370)

Displays2go Standing Landscape Mode Y$3,6504$14,600
Electric Lift & Tilt Mobile Stand (approx. $3700)
Salamander DesignsStanding Landscape Mode Y (powered)$6,9804$27,920

SmartMount Universal Kiosk Stand (approx. $674)

peerless-AVStanding Landscape Mode Y$3,3544$13,416

Collaboration Cart With Vertical Lift (approx. $3375)

peerless-AVStanding Landscape Mode Y (powered)$6,0554$24,220

KL546-S Indoor Kiosk Enclosure for 46 inch Screens (approx $1107)

peerless-AVStanding Landscape Mode N 4 

Cheap stand with tilt bracket $70 or $90 or $100

Displays2goStanding Landscape Mode Y 4 or more (2 per floor?) 
Broadcast model ( ? )Kiosk Information SystemsStanding Landscape Mode N 4( ? )
Trackmall or MaxpadApek technologiesStanding Landscape Mode YQuote/specs pending4 

Eclipse L

Kiosk InnovationsStanding Landscape Mode NDo we want to get a quote?4 
NavigatorMeridianStanding Landscape Mode NDo we want to get a quote?4 


ZiveloStanding Landscape Mode NDo we want to get a quote?4 
KendoKiosks 4 businessStanding Landscape Mode NDo we want to get a quote?4 

Department Store Kiosk

FrankMayerStanding Landscape Mode NDo we want to get a quote?4 

Custom ( ? )

  • Elo touchscreen open-frame 32" $1300
  • Cardswipe $100
Local manufacturer? (probably landscape?) ? 4 


Brief report on ethernet in area outside avenue elevator vestibule:

1Ethernet available, space available
2Ethernet available. Space available
3No junction box in the spot, but there is an ethernet port on the column to the left (from elevator vestibule) on the other side of the cube wall area. As long as that cube wall stays with all the re-arranging it should be fine to route a long cable along it. Confirmed cube wall will probably stay
4Kiosk placed already, ethernet available, not connected to ethernet
5Ethernet available, SCARC display in spot. Will follow up with SCARC
6Ethernet available, spot available



  • Elevator vestibule
  • 2nd elevator vestibule
  • Stairway entrance at end of avenue
  • Old catalog computer spots (counter-top kiosk mounts?)
  • At ends of banks of study rooms (excluding 90 day rooms) (1 or both ends?)
  • In the stacks?

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