2017-10-12 Meeting Notes

2017-10-12 Meeting Notes


12 October 2017




Ground Rules:

  • honor time limits (starting and ending)
  • no interrupting /interject at appropriate times
  • listen and be considerate of all opinions
  • be present (limit device distraction)
  • no disruptive side conversations
  • shared responsibility for LEAD goals/outcomes

Desired Outcome

Discussion Items


2)      Signage inventory status -

ACTION ITEM: Autumn will share rachel the form; beth will share the article with her

decide on when/timeline  - NOVEMBER

1-2 floor - Victoria and kristin  

3-4 floor  Rachel and beth  and info desk

5-6 floor Autumn  (Ill allow an extra hour here or there for her students )

ACTION ITEM: Autumn will get with Brooke soon to validate the form
ACTION ITEM: Set up a meeting with key people to review form to make sure we all on the same page with process (victoria, autumn and rachel)

ACTION ITEM:  ask david/CM about end caps/call no. on end of shelves


3)      Color coding floors

  • Colors are picked!

  • $7500-$10,000 for just painting

  • Winter break

4)      wayfinding committee -  not really anyone with  (trevor a maybe); let’s hold off until spring to reassess and restart this committee and meeting

Action Items
