Projects Summary

Projects Summary

As we are in the thick of summer the Spaces unit is in progress on several projects. 

Here is what you can expect to see in the coming weeks prior to term starting:

Compact Shelving
The eastern most portion of compact on 1st floor housing the government documents had replacement of the control panels to updated LED screens and new motors in August. Parts were harvested to continue servicing the other panels and motors in the building on 1st, 3rd, and 5th. This is a multiyear phased project which we are budgeting for. Next year will be the next section moving westward along the avenue. The next section we are hoping to work on is 8 ranges during winter break. 

Third Floor Open Study
Use of the new space has been high, students are definitely enjoying the expanded area for studying. A display shelf was added by Ella in the fall.
The shelving was fully cleared out early in the summer. The space was cleaned and re-waxed. It is filling up with tables and seating to support open study. There were power towers added to support power needs in the space.

Library Spaces Calendar
If you ever wonder about an event going on in the library quad, rotunda, or lobby that information can be found on the library.spaces@oregonstate.edu calendar. This inbox is intended to handle space use requests that are non-standard, and not one of the typical reservable classroom spaces.

Autzen Classroom

It has been used as open study space for students when not in use. Removed the cubicle walls, putting in cord management raceways on the floors, and considering new arrangements within the space. A group consisting of Hannah, Uta, Megan, Dave, and myself are working together with the intent of revisiting the space again after fall term and making further adjustments. The goal was to create a more flexible, versatile space to support multiple needs (student study, instruction, outside groups, and special events to name a few). 

LED Lights
With a partnership with Office of Sustainability and Facilities, I was able to secure funding and move on getting the entire building converted to LED Lightbulbs. We were able to do this for floors 2 and 4 in 2021, this will be all other floors. This will make a huge difference in our energy usage! Not to mention LED bulbs require less upkeep, last longer, put off less heat, and are much less abrasive with regards to flickering and sensory issues. 
This project went out to bid and the office of sustainability and facilities decided to do the work in house due to cost. They are hoping to work on this starting before end of fall term and into Winter break. 

Check out the larger project page for ongoing detailed information and specifics about some of the bigger projects. 

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