Photography & Filming

Photography & Filming

Photography and Filming Policy

Permission is not required for non-disruptive photography for personal use (e.g. a selfie). The photographer is responsible for protecting others' reasonable expectations of privacy. This includes assuring that other peoples faces aren’t identifiable.

Individuals, classes, groups, or organizations wishing to engage in any other photographing or filming within any OSULP space must complete a Request Form at least two weeks in advance and receive permission prior to photography or filming. 

We will stop photography or filming if we determine it is disruptive to our patrons or if inappropriate or unsafe behavior occurs.

Individuals affiliated with OSU (students, faculty, staff, student organizations and individuals working on behalf of the university) that wish to publish their photographs or distribute their film in any format or medium are required to obtain a model release form from any OSU students, faculty, or staff. The OSU Model Release Form is available from University Relations and Marketing.

Photographs or filming by News outlets, production companies, video production vendors, and commercial producers should also contact the University Relations and Marketing team prior to any filming.

The Oregon State University Libraries and Press (OSULP) seeks to provide a facility suitable for reading, learning, and other activities associated with scholarly teaching and research by creating a safe, welcoming environment where diverse experiences and perspectives are honored. This policy is derived from our code of conduct and applies to all photography and filming in OSULP spaces.

Valley Library; Corvallis, Oregon

The Valley Library is located on the OSU Corvallis campus. Questions regarding photography and filming should be made to library.spaces@oregonstate.edu.

Special Collections and Archives Research Center (Douglas Strain Reading Room)

In order to maintain normal operations and provide adequate and confidential access for researchers, the Special Collections and Archives Research Center (SCARC) is selective about granting requests to film or photograph in our spaces that do not directly relate to our collections or services. Use must occur during business hours and be requested at least two weeks in advance. We can only accommodate a limited number of these requests. To make a request, contact SCARC at scarc@oregonstate.edu

OSU-Cascades Library; Bend, Oregon

The OSU-Cascades Library is located inside Tykeson Hall, room 202. Questions regarding photography and filming should be made to the OSU-Cascades Library Director at library@osucascades.edu.

OSU-Guin Library; Newport, Oregon

The OSU-Marilyn Potts Guin Library is located in the Hatfield Marine Science Center at 2030 Marine Science Drive, questions regarding photography and filming should be made to the OSU-Guin Library Director at hmsc.library@oregonstate.edu.