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Ideas for next year (copied from 06-Nov-2023 Safety Council meeting minutes)

Safety Week Team Report Out                                          (10 Min) Cyd

Mental Health Monday - CAPS tabling - might need to give some feedback to CAPS for the people who were tabling (not super engaging, didn’t get a lot of people stopping by)

Tuesday - Fire Extinguisher training at Autzen - had a lot fewer participants (~6 people, mostly employees). Location was easier for us to set up, but way less visible

Wednesday - Transportation Safety tabling/DPS - probably best attendance this day. Cedar, highly engaged people tabling, better location (transportation in lobby, DPS back by printers), better time slot

Thursday - Safety Council “State of the Union” - who are we, what are we doing? - very few participants. Think we need better advertising for next year (signage just said “What is Safety Council?” but didn’t explain what it was, didn’t advertise there were snacks). But the people who were there were engaged.

Friday – Personal Safety - haven’t gotten any feedback on this one yet since we weren’t there in person

Ideas for next year: Find better place for fire extinguisher training. Start earlier on getting a flu shot clinic set up (or blood drive, or narcan training). Make more events in the afternoon, better participation than morning (as opposed to trying to spread times out throughout the day). Consider having the “State of the Union” as a presentation at an admin briefing the month before to prime people for safety week and keep the audience internal. Consider having a presentation on active shooter safety from Shannon Anderson, or de-escalation training

General rules: no guns, no pandemic
