EHS has partnered with SAIF to bring a couple different programs to OSU which help ensure employees work in a ergonomically sound space. "The goal of ergonomics is to work towards a safe & healthful work environment free from recognized hazards by fitting the job to the person rather than making the person fit the job". - OSU Environmental Health & Safety
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ErgopointErgopoint is a cloud-based ergonomic assessment tool available to all OSU employees. You can contact Occupational Safety for a login. If you need further assistance, such as an in-person ergonomic assessment of your workspace, contact Rachel Burgess or EHS. Safety in MotionSAIF launched the Safety in Motion®/SIM4® system to help reduce musculoskeletal (strain and sprain) injuries. SIM4 training techniques have a proven record of reducing these Injuries - the number one type of injury for SAIF policyholders. The Safety in Motion system is divided into four modules. Each training module focuses on one key technique.
Safety in Motion Informational FlyerTraining & Resources
Injuries and Illnesses
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The unfortunate truth is sometimes employees get ill or injured while on the job no matter how careful we are. If you are injured or become ill due to working conditions, notify your supervisor as soon as possible. This ensures:
Supervisors can report an accident or injury using the Public Incident Reporting Form. This should be done as soon as safely possible. Workers' Comp Claim If the employee's injury requires missed time from work and/or medical care, a Workers' Comp claim may need to be filed within 24 hours of the injury occurring. Click the link to find resources and information about this process. |
OSU Accident Reporting Process
(click image for clearer view)
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