Electronic locks record every time a credential is used to open the lock. Schlage SMS Express refers to this data as "audits". The data can then be used to generate reports through Schlage SMS Express and analyzed in Excel. Because the Grad Commons reports are HTML format, it is possible to read the raw data in the reports as well, but it is tedious. That is why we use Excel and Pivot Charts to analyze the data from the research rooms to enforce minimum usage policies.
- Autosync cable with the serial prongs
- Programming credential
- Room Checklist
- Master Key card for research rooms. (You will NOT be entering the rooms though.)
Collecting Audit Data
Of all the processes required to manage electronic locks, collecting audit data is probably the most automated. To collect the data:
- Plug the HHD into the computer. Make sure it is turned on and active.
- Also plug it into the AC adaptor cable so that it can charge it's battery.
- Open the Windows Mobile Device Utility.
- The HHD should automatically sync. If it doesn't, you may have to unplug the HHD and try again.
- Allow the HHD to sync the files to the computer using Windows Mobile Device Utility.
- That's it. That's all you have to do.
Troubleshooting When Collecting Audit Data
"Audit report already exists. Overwrite existing report?"
The answer is no. Always no at first. It's a pain but take the HHD to the computer and download the data. Then go back to pulling audits. If you get the message again after syncing the HHD with the computer, then you can override the report.
Date/Time doesn't match HHD message
- Open a 2nd Explorer window and find your flash drive. Create a new folder on your flash drive that says "Reports current date" Example: Reports 3-26-18
- Select the first file that says "Access by Door". Then, while holding down the "Ctrl" button, scroll down until you find the last file labeled Access by Door and click it. This should select all of the files.
- Drag all of those files into the folder you just created on your flash drive.
- Eject the flash drive from the computer.
- Connect the flash drive to a networked computer. Open the Shared Drive. You will drag the folder from your flash drive to the shared drive.
- Save the folder at Shared Drive<LEAD<Circulation<Rooms<Research Room Audits.
Losing Audit Data
Unfortunately, it is very easy There most common way to lose audit data . Especially if you transfer the Schlage SMS Express software from one computer to another.
Here are some overarching issues with audits:
If you transfer the program from one computer to another, you'll need to get the audit files from the doors before you switch the database file (you don't have to program the doors, just get the audit files, which is a bit faster), then transfer the program, and then program all the doors. Generate files for all the doors that you need data from. Click on Generate Program Files and then click on Show all doors and then select the desired doors.
You have to program all the doors again is to transfer SMS to a new computer without producing a final audit report before the transfer. This is because the computer that has the program installed assigns a unique number to the lock and that's what it uses . The program uses that number to match the audit data to the lock. It will assign each lock a new number when you program
If you program the lock, it will delete the audit data from the lock and it can't be retrieved again.
Here is how you lose data:
Program the lock
Don't produce the audit report
Generate files
To avoid this, be sure to take a couple steps before transferring the software.
- Pull audit data from all the doors.
- Download the data and create a final audit report
Once you install the software on a new computer, generate program files for all the doors. As you program the doors, it will assign a new lock number to each door. Now you should be able to gather audit data moving forward.