Often, but not always needed include:
- Often the requested Requested completion date
- Subscriber's phone number
Long distance authorization codes allow employees to make work-related long distance calls from their desk phone. Request a code from Telecom for each new employee. In addition to the information listed above Information you will need:
- Billing index: DLB275
- Subscriber Information: The subscriber is always the employee you are submitting the request for/about
- Subscriber's Department: Library
- Primary IT Support Group: Community Network
- Subscriber's OSU ID number
- Save a copy of this file as "Last Name-First Name" in the S:>Restricted Shared Drive>Admin>Building>Telecom>Long Library Admin Box Folder>Building>Telecom>Long Distance Codes.
- Print out a copy of the card and laminate it for the employee. Save the attached instructions.
- Deliver card and instructions to the employee
If the employee is using an existing phone number, you will need to request a name change to let Telecom know the name associated with the number has changed. This isn't the same as a directory update. In addition to the information listed above, Information you will need:
- Billing index: DLB275
- Subscriber Information: The subscriber is always the employee you are submitting the request for/about
- Subscriber's Department: Library
- Primary IT Support Group: Community Network
- Phone number
- Subscriber's OSU ID number
- Previous Subscriber's name if known (which most of the time will not be needed if a name change was submitted when the previous employee left)
- Previous Voice Mail Configuration (which should be "No voice mail")
- New Voice Mail Configuration (Voice Mail only or Email integrated)
- Zero Out Number–the number the caller is routed to if they press 0. This will likely vary by department
- Number of Rings before call goes to voice mail. The default is 3.
When an employee is hired, HR automatically submits the directory information for the new employee to Telecom. However, sometimes Generally directory information will include Name, position title, office address, phone number and email. Often, HR doesn't have all the pertinent directory information such as office phone number for new employees at the library. While it is helpful to ensure directory information related to phone numbers is accurate, there is also a fairly high turnover in some library positions. This makes deciding when to update and when NOT to update a little tricky. It's best to follow some general guidelines.
Faculty Hires
- Faculty hires generally have a specific job title such as "Collection Assessment Librarian" or "SCARC Director".
- They tend to have an office.
- Turnover among faculty is a bit lower.
- When calling faculty, people are usually looking for a specific person.
Classified Hires
- Classified staff generally are filling a role and have more general job titles such as "Library Technician".
some judgement needs to be exercised in determining when to update directory information
When an employee has been hired, you can look them up in the online directory or the Outlook Address book. If you notice missing or inaccurate information, such as the office phone number, you can submit a Directory Change request. If you are requesting updates for multiple employees at once, create a spreadsheet and attach it to the request. This ensures better accuracy and less confusion for Telecom.