Time | Item | Who | Notes |
| Call to Order | Rachel |
| Agenda Changes or Additions | Everyone |
5 minutes | UHSC and EHS Info | Rachel | - Not meeting until tomorrow. Will share out next meeting.
- Already sent email out about air quality and heat training
- Recommended council members take time to peruse EHS site and all th training available.
5 minutes | Review of July Incidents to date | Sagan | |
10 minutes | De-escalation Training Update | Sagan, Kenna, Rachel | Staff Day: White Bird training - Training set for Aug. 26 from 10 am - 12 pm.
- Ben from White Bird will be training staff.
- Presentation is 90 minutes plus 30 minutes for questions.
- Presentation is available for sign-up by staff. Don't know how many attendees there will be.
- Don't believe there is a cap for slots, but need to verify with White Bird.
Student Orientation - Plan to do training for students lead by Sagan and Rachel
10 minutes | OSU Library Alerts | Rachel | Questions: - When is it appropriate to use?
- Identify Needed Scenarios and Scripts
- How do we include contractors? (ABM, etc)
- We should all take time to look at the script already developed by OSU over the next week or so since Rachel needs assistance with these.
- Sagan thought we were only crafting the text messages. Question about whether or not we are also responsible for crafting email messages.
- Email doesn't have the character limit like text messages so there is room for more text
- This is meant for internal communication. Approximately 400 people.
- All Library Staff
- All Student Employees
- All Building Partners
- Can have multiple lists such as managers, LAMP, students, partners, etc.
- Questions about who would maintain these lists.
- Messages should include something about where people should meet in cases of evacuation.
- There is a polling option with the Alert system to allow managers to check in with all of their staff and locate them.
- Which messages should we prioritize to Library Specific
- Utility Failure
- Closure or Modification of Operating Hours
- Inclement weather
- Maybe a missing child (thinking about Our Little Village)
- Karl asked if we have specific training about PA announcement or script about when the PA might be used for these situations.
- Circulation has details in the Doomsday Binder
- Chain of command regarding who makes the decision to send out messages needs to be determined by LAMP.
- Mike Bamberger gets every alert that goes out.
- Should only be used in specific emergency situations that require rapid messaging.
- No more than 5 people would have access to the system for sending out alerts.
- Like be Rachel as the system administrator
- Probably someone from Public services
- The Dean/UL/AUL
5 minutes | Safety Training Schedule Review | All |
10 minutes | Safety Week Activity Planning Report Out | Lucinda, Karl, Derrick |
10 minutes | Bringing in Library Partners | All |
5 minutes | Other Matters Arising | All |
5 minutes | Action Item Review | Lucinda |