LibCal is the online software Valley Library uses to manage reservations for our classrooms and study rooms. The creators of LibCal, Springshare, have detailed tutorials available online for learning how to use LibCal. While these pages will include a brief overview of LibCals structure and links to Springshare's tutorials, the primary will be on processes and procedures specific to Valley Library's use of LibCal.
Table of Contents
Setting up and Customizing Space Bookings
LibCal breaks large spaces down into smaller spaces through a hierarchy.
(Valley Library)
Zone Category
(2nd floor) (Group Study Rooms)
(Learning Commons, Room 1812)
This structure allows us to organize our spaces into a structure based upon how we use the space so we can apply limits, terms, etc. accordingly.
- Allows you to have multiple branches of one library. We could add Guin or Cascades.
- This is where you enable authentication requirements
- Set hours for the entire location.
- Categories define HOW a space is used.
- There can be multiple spaces within a single category, but they all have essentially the same purpose/use.
- Hours can be set at the category level that are different from location hours if needed.
- Zones define WHERE a space is within the building for the purpose of monitoring usage and occupancy.
- A single category may have spaces within multiple zones.
- A space can be bookable as a whole or as part of a larger space (think Willamette classrooms), or a container for seats.
- At this level we can include a lot of specific information about the space such as directions, description, an image, terms and conditions, etc.
Setting up Locations
Link: Setting up Locations Tutorial
Locations are created based upon how a space fundamentally operates. At the location level, you customize functions that will impact all spaces within this location such as:
- Authentication requirements
- Hours (and date ranges for hours)
- Automated email templates
- Check in/check out requirements (including auto-cancellation)
Current Active Locations within LibCal
- Valley Library: This location is for spaces owned and operated by Valley Library. This includes:
- Group Study Rooms
- Our Little Village
- Classrooms (but we don't use LibCal for classrooms right now)
- Library Staff Spaces
- Hourly Rooms
Even though some of the locations within LibCal are not Valley Library spaces, Valley Library manages all aspects of LibCal.
Setting up Zones
Link: Add and Manage a Location's Zones
By adding zones to your location, you can better track the utilization of your spaces and monitor occupancy. In Valley Library, each floor is a zone.
Setting Up Categories
Link: Add and manage space booking categories
Link: Space Category Booking Restrictions
Categories are determined by how a space is used. At the category level, you customize reservation features specific to how the space is used.
- Custom hours that are different from location hours
- How reservations are made (mediated or unmediated, booking forms)
- Booking limits such as how often and how long reservations can be.
- Description, images, terms & conditions
- Partial email templates for category specific information.
Current Categories with the Valley Library Location
- Group Study Rooms
- Our Little Village
- Classrooms (note: we don't use LibCal for classrooms right now)
Current Booking Limit Settings for Valley Library
Category | Group Study Rooms | Our Little Village |
General Tab | ||
Booking Form | No | No |
Mediated | No | No |
Booking Limits | ||
Start Time | every 10 min | every 15 min |
Max Duration | 4 hrs. | 3 hrs. |
Min Duration | 10 min. | 30 min. |
Default Duration | 60 min. | 30 min. |
Lead Time | Before end | Before end |
Padding | 5 min. | 15 min. |
Cancel by | Start time | Start time |
Window limit | 30 days | 14 days |
Adding Spaces
Link: Adding Spaces to Categories
Link: Spaces: Add, manage, and move spaces in a category
Spaces can be bookable as a whole, part of a larger space, or containers for seats. We are no longer using the Seats module. Outlined below is how our current spaces are set up in Valley Library.
Bookable as a whole | Child space of a larger space |
Group Study Rooms | Willamette East |
Our Little Village | Willamette West |
Autzen | |
Willamette East/West |
These are the functions you can customize at the Spaces level:
- General information such as accessibility, capacity, and directions to the space
- Detailed information including images, space description, terms and conditions
- Set the status of a space as Active or Inactive
Setting up and Managing Hours
Link: Setting up Hours and Exceptions
Link: Manage hours for a location and its categories, spaces, & items
Managing Hours can be a little confusing in LibCal because there are different types of hours.
- Hours Module LibCal is made up of several different modules. Most of what this page addresses is the Space Module. There is also an Hours module. This module is where you:
- Set the hours for the building which is not always the same as the hours for our space.
- Set hours templates that are used when setting hours for the building
- Link Space Module hours to the building hours
- Spaces Module Location Hours These are the hours we want to manage. As a general rule, these hours are not linked to the building hours because spaces need cleaning hours. Since Valley Library is often open 24/5, linking to the building hours would remove the ability to close space for cleaning. We can:
- Create custom hours templates to be used for the Spaces module
- Set hours at the location, category, and space level.
Current Hours in use for Valley Library Categories & Locations
Hours Templates: (Located in the "Hours Templates" tab of the Admin Space Module interface.)
- Winter Term Hours 2022 M-Th 7:30 am - 12 am, F 7:30 am - 10 pm, Sat 10am - 10pm, Sun. 10 am - 12 am
- Covid-19 Staff Hours: M-F 7am - 7pm
Managing Availability of Spaces
Link: Managing Availability of Spaces (& Equipment)
Link: Change the status of a space
There are times when a space needs to be closed for repair or scheduled maintenance. When this happens, it is important to:
- Make the space unavailable in LibCal to prevent new bookings while the space is undergoing repairs
- Move patron reservations to another space and communicate this to the patron
Fortunately, when you make a space unavailable, the booking doesn't disappear. You can easily find all bookings for the space when you are ready to move them.
Notifying Patrons
When you are moving reservations, patrons will get notified that their original reservation has been cancelled. This is why it is important to let them know that you have moved their reservation to a different room. There are two different ways you can notify patrons. If you send an email through LibCal, it is faster but you won't have a record of sending the email like you will with Microsoft Outlook.
Sending an email through LibCal
- Locate the patron booking details in the Booking Explorer tab and click on the patron's email address which should be a hyperlink.
- In the Email Patron pop up window, change the reply to address to the appropriate email (Valley Cir, Library Spaces, etc.)
- Type your message and hit send.
Sending an email through Microsoft Outlook
- Refer to the notes you took when moving reservations.
- Open Alma and go to "Manage Patron Services" under the Fullfillment menu.
- Enter the patron's name in patron search bar and pull up the patron's account.
- Click on the patron's id number. The should bring up the Identifiers tab as the default. If it doesn't, click on the Identifiers tab.
- The patron's email should be at the bottom of the list.
- *Pro tip* If you want to verify the email address is the preferred contact email, you can click on the "Contact Information" tab.
- Right click the email address and select "copy cell value"
- Start a new email in Outlook and paste the email address in.
- It may be tempting to send one bulk email to everyone you have moved. Don't do this. You risk giving out personal information to the wrong people.
- Make sure you are sending the email from Valley Circulation. That way other staff can respond to patrons if you are not available.
- Subject should be "Study room reservation change".
- Below is an example of an email template you can use. It doesn't include the specific room switch but you may include that if you wish. It depends on how many people you are contacting and how much time you want to spend on this.
I am scheduling necessary maintenance in some of our study rooms this academic term. Unfortunately, this means I need to move one of your reservations. I have tried to move you to a room that is comparable.
I have moved your study room reservation on May 20 to a different room. I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Kind Regards,
Lucinda Amerman l Library Technician
The Valley Library | Oregon State University l Corvallis, OR 97331