Department administrivia
- CN appointment for computer (Margaret)
- Set up soft phone (Lucinda)
- Long distance code (Lucinda )
- Zoom (Margaret)
- EmpCenter (Margaret )
- Department meetings - weekly stand-up (add to calendar)
- Regular meetings with Margaret
- Printer setup (CN will do this)
- MS Office (CN will do this)
- Mailbox (Lise)
- Keys (library and 4th floor admin area) (Lucinda ) Not needed on start date
- email lists (LIT, Oregondigital)
- Lunch with LIT, in the first week or so
- name on cubicle ? (Lise)
- after hybrid starts
- Set up Google form for 1:1 meetings with LIT staff
- General Overview with Ryan Wick Wick (TBD)
- ScholarsArchive (Cara Key and Sarah Imholt)
- General Overview
- Metadata Application Profile
- Review process for ETD's
- SA Content
- Other Systems
- Archon
- Primo
- OE
- Projects/Pairing:
- Possibly with Ryan/Sarah or observe bulk collection prep (talk to Brian, Ryan, and Steve)
- Cleanup stuff with SCARC
- SA@OSU Cleanup Projects (series, additional information)
- Slack - create accounts (LIT, osul, samvera) & introduce to dept. on #general
- Add to Wiki (Margaret)
- Add to Google Drive (tour of OD and SA)
- GitHub account - add to osulp and OregonDigital orgs
- Staff Profile and Drupal training ( Margaret and /or Kenna)
- Library Carpentry: Open Refine (if needed; self directed)
- Software Carpentry: Git (if needed; self directed)
- Google apps for OSU.
- Box
- Add to Keeper (Margaret ask if UIT/IAM Dave can add)
- Email announcement to whole library Margaret
- Review organization chart (on library admin page )
- Staff profile on library website
- Admin briefings - monthly (add to calendar)
- Meet with Hannah Rempel, head Research and Learning Dept.
- Meet with Jane Nichols, interim head of Resource Acquisitions and Sharing
- Meet with Richenda Hawkins, head Library Experience and Access Department.
- Meet with LFA mentoring coordinator
- Virtual introductions (Guin and Cascades)
- Zoom with David Irvin (Guin)
- Zoom with April Witteveen (Cascades)
- Library tour tour (later)
- SCARC tour and SCARC description with Julie Judkins
- LFA overview (with LFA president) and meeting schedule
- Library Travel and Reimbursements
- motorpool
- travel request form
- travel reimbursement
- Art collection tour (Rachel Burgess)