Shared Drives, Box, Google, etc.

Shared Drives, Box, Google, etc.

Microsoft OneDrive 


Sign into your Office365 account with username@oregonstate.edu and your ONID password

OneDrive vs. Sharepoint

Recommended use of OneDrive
  • Use as a shared drive, primarily for individual use.
  • University IT recommends the use of Microsoft products, as these are considered the most secure.  UIT will be committed to the Microsoft universe for the next 15 years. 
  • To set up OneDrive as your personal drive, contact CN Service Desk 
Benefits of OneDrive
  • Integration with all the other centrally provided Microsoft Office365 products: Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Teams, Outlook, OneNote, SharePoint
Drawbacks of OneDrive
  • When staff leave the university, their content can be lost; this can be avoided by using SharePoint

Microsoft SharePoint 

Recommended use of SharePoint
  • Use as a place to share files with a Microsoft Team, which can be a department, a project group, a committee, etc.  
  • SharePoint sites are always in the background of a Microsoft Team; when you create a Team, a SharePoint site is created where documents and other assets are stored for that Team 
Benefits of SharePoint
  • Integration with all the other centrally provided Microsoft Office365 products
  • Ability to share with other users within and outside of OSU
  • Files belong to the institution, so if an employee leaves, the content stays. 
Drawbacks of SharePoint

Google Suite for OSU 


Google Suite for OSU includes Google Drive which is essentially a shared network drive provided by Google as a cloud service.  Always use the G Suite for Oregon State portal to login to G Suite.

Recommended use of Google Drive
  • Continue to use OSU Google Drive to collaborate on documents 
  • Finished products should be stored on SharePoint, Box or the CN Shared Drives. 
Benefits of Google Drive
  • Provides a central space for storing University information in electronic format 
  • Backed up and supported by Google
  • Supports management of versions, drafts and working documents
  • Easy to search
Drawbacks of Google Drive 
  • Need to log in with your ONID account 
  • When people leave the university, their content can be lost  - this can be avoided by using organizational Shared Drives


Box can be used for storing personal files, coursework, and most types of research data. You can upload entire folders from your device or create new Microsoft files in the Box environment, then share your data with other Box users. As with all University-level services, sign in to Box using your ONID username and password. You will need to click the "Continue" button to access the ONID login screen and use DUO to authenticate.

Recommended use of Box
  • Box can be a good place to store large documents
  • Box is a good place to share documents inside the university, but also with external collaborators
Benefits of Box
  • Servers are in North America (no off-shore servers), which is required by some grants
  • Unlimited storage
  • File sizes up to 15 GB
  • File editing online or in the native Microsoft application
  • Allows for department-level file ownership in addition to individual-level ownership.
Drawbacks of Box
  • Collaborative editing on Box can be clunky
  • University IT is watching Box; if it becomes too expensive, there will be a time of transitioning away from its use. UIT is developing alternative storage; if you need to store large amounts of data, they can work with you to create a Microsoft Azure storage solution. 


The OSU Libraries Wiki is a browser-based way for staff to collaborate on documents, meeting agendas and minutes.  

Recommended use of the wiki
  • It is a good place for information used in daily operations -  handbooks, guidelines, blog posts, FAQs
  • It provides a good way to create agendas and meeting notes
  • A place to store committee materials. Using the space label "library_committees" (found under Space Admin) makes the committee link dynamically appear in the menu.
  • Tagging and labels can make the wiki content easier to search.
Benefits of the Wiki
  • Multiple users can add, remove,and edit content on each page by only using a web browser.
  • Users can access the wiki anywhere they have an internet connection
  • Wiki pages or spaces can be public or private 
Drawbacks of the Wiki
  • There is a learning curve to using the Wiki and to take advantage of features. 
  • Links to documents outside the wiki may require a user to log in.  
  • Permissions to private spaces are sometimes a barrier to users accessing information.
  • This is yet another place to look for important library information 
  • We can’t link directly from the wiki to the CN-Shared Drive.

Community Network Shared Drive (CN-share)

The Library Shared Drive is a Community Network supported, authorized and managed shared server which provides electronic storage space for authorized users.  These are the names of all the drives; you will see only the drives for which you are authorized. 

[Restricted Share]


Benefits of the CN Shared Drive
  • Provides a central space for storing University information in electronic format 
  • Backed up and supported by Community Network. Snapshots taken 3x per day,  backups kept for two weeks
  • University information is not lost when staff members leave the library
  • Supports management of versions, drafts and working documents
  • Hierarchy of electronic folders and document titles makes it easier to retrieve information
  • Open only to the library staff and faculty;  ability to restrict access to folders and documents. We have restricted shared drives for Promotion and Tenure and for Administration
  • Remote access to the CN Shares: http://is.oregonstate.edu/accounts-support/cn/mycn-remote-access
Drawbacks of the CN Shared Drive
  • There are many documents on the Shared Drive that are old and should be removed. 
  • Links to documents in the Shared Drive from other services such as the wiki are not working anymore
Recommended use of the Shared Drive 
  • This is a place to keep documents that will not change very often and/or that need to have access restricted
  • The restricted share is used for administrative and Promotion and Tenure documents

Library Network Shared Drive  (vlib share) 

We also have some shared drives that are on a library-controlled server. These drives were created for specific purposes, and are available only to users who have been granted permission. 

[Library Shared$] - Graphic Design student work files

[Emerging Technologies and Services]

[UL - AUL]

[Library Admin]

[Library Acquisitions]

[Library Publications] - graphic design students, finished  work reading for printing


[SCARC] - transfer space?

[Oregon Explorer]

[Digital Production Unit] -- scanned material, (“Z drive”)

[Technical Services] -- ?

[Interlibrary Loan]

[Interlibrary Loan - VetMed]

[Library Publications Archives]

Drawbacks of the LIT-Owned Shared Drive
  • There are many documents on the vlib share that are old and should be removed. 
  • Student graphic designers rotate through the library and need to be added and removed manually from the Library Publications and LibraryShared$ drives. 
Recommended uses of LIT-Owned Shared Drives
  • These should only be used for specific purposes such as the need for temporary storage of files that will be transferred from one application to another.
  • These are "behind the scenes" drives.


The intranet is a space on the Libraries web site that provides quick links to important documents or webpages.  

Recommendation for using the Intranet
  • LIT  plans to retire the intranet and to use the wiki to addressed the purposes the intranet previously served
Benefits of the Intranet
  • Provides a central space for quick links 
  • Open only to the library staff and faculty;  ability to restrict access to folders and documents
Drawbacks of the Intranet
  • Users must log in to their Drupal account to access the Intranet. 
  • Links to documents outside the web page may require a user to log in.  
  • This is yet another place to look for important library information 
  • Information is repeated here that is available other ways

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