Fire Extinguishers

Fire Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers are located near exits throughout the building and are indicated by a wall sign above the extinguisher (safety maps).

  • They are to be used only to egress the building if fire is blocking your path or small trash can size fires.
  • Know where your fire extinguisher is located in your work area or area´s you frequent.
  • Do not obstruct or obscure fire extinguishers from view — they must be easily accessible.
  • Do not use a fire extinguisher if you don't know how. Evacuate the building instead.
  • To access the fire extinguisher, break the glass with an object or foot and pull the metal handle.

The Valley Library is equipped with ABC class fire extinguishers for all purposes. They are inspected, managed, and replaced by OSU Environmental Health & Safe. Each fire extinguisher is capable of putting out these types of fires:

  • A = ordinary combustible fire
  • B = flammable liquid and gas fires
  • C = electrical fires; usually Class A or Class B fires involving energized electrical wiring and equipment

Training and Use

According to OSHA regulations, you should be trained annually in fire extinguisher use. You should not use a fire extinguisher without training which can be obtained online at OSU Environmental Health and Safety.