Lockdown, Lockout & Shelter in Place Procedures

Lockdown, Lockout & Shelter in Place Procedures

Do Not Pull the Fire Alarms!

Lockdown Procedures (immediate threat to building occupants)

Quickly secure all staff, students, and visitors in rooms away from immediate danger. Safer to remain in building than to leave. May last a few minutes to several hours.

  • If you cannot safely exit the building seek shelter inside a room that the door can be locked and barricaded. Staff should make reasonable efforts to move patrons to secure spaces (out of restrooms, common areas, lobby areas, etc.)
    • Remain calm
    • Lock the door and barricade it
    • Stay away from windows so no one can see you
    • Stay low and seek cover behind/under solid objects (desks, bookshelves, etc.)
    • Remain quiet and silence cell phones or other devices that make noise and could draw the intruder’s attention
    • Turn off lights, computers, projects, or any other device that may indicate the room is occupied
    • Do not travel down long corridors or assemble in large open areas
    • Do not make unnecessary calls (Oregon State Police 541-737-7000 or 9-1-1). Only if you have immediate concern for your safety, the safety of others, of feel you have critical information that will assist emergency personnel in the response.
    • If possible monitor your phone for updates. Media reports may be unreliable.
    • Follow instructions from emergency personnel only
    • Do not leave until emergency personnel give you an "all clear!"
      • When safe supervisors should try and account for their staff and student employees
    • If the fire alarm is activated, remain where you are and await further instructions from emergency personnel unless you perceive evidence of a fire.
    • Employees outside the building should seek shelter elsewhere
    • Be prepared to immediately evacuate if told to do so and follow instructions from police to avoid harm and ensure the best possible response. Be aware of alternate exits.
      • For their own safety, emergency personnel must initially consider all individuals as potential threats.
    • If you are off campus, stay away. Do not telephone, text, email, or attempt to communicate in any other way, unless specifically requested by authorized personnel. You may endanger others.

Lockout Procedures (threat outside the building)

Exterior doors are locked. Used in a potentially dangerous situation outside of the building. “Lockout” is a term that may be used in combination with “lockdown.”

  • If safe to do so, lock the exterior doors. Conceal yourself as much as possible.
    • JAVAII - Employees will lock the first floor outer doors and move along with patrons upstairs into the building (if Shelter in Place) or exit the building (if danger on 1st floor). Inner doors do not lock.
      • If JAVA II is closed, Circulation staff will lock the doors.
    • Circulation Staff - will lock outer main doors, wait until Java II staff and patrons have entered the building and lock the inner sliding doors (stairwell lobby and main entrance lobby) and place a sign "The Library is in Lockout" on the main doors if there is time.
    • LEAD staff 
      • check the loading dock is secure (garage doors are down)
      • announce the lockout on the Public Address System (scripts) to inform patrons
      • place moveable whiteboards in front of the inner slider doors
      • lower blinds along Circ staff desk windows
  • Encourage everyone to remain inside the building. Library staff cannot forcibly restrain patrons from leaving the building.
  • Do not, under any circumstances, allow others to enter the building until authorized to do so by emergency personnel. Those outside the building should seek shelter elsewhere.
  • Continue with daily activity inside and remain calm. Supervisors should try and account for their staff and student employees.
  • Monitor TV, radio or website news, if possible.
  • Wait for official notice to resume normal activities. Library Administration may communicate updates by email.
    • By OSUAlert notification
    • By emergency personnel announcing "all clear" (it is acceptable to ask for official identification prior to unlocking the door)
    • Telephonic notification from the University
    • University website
  • Be vigilant and immediately report any suspicious activity to Oregon State Police at 541-737-7000 or 911.
  • Be prepared to conduct an immediate evacuation if told to do so.
  • Report problems or concerns to library administration.

Shelter in Place Procedures (need to shelter inside a building)

Shelter due to a nearby outside danger (e.g. severe weather, outside environmental danger, or violent intruder)

  • Seek shelter inside a building and remain there.
    • LEAD staff - will make announcements on the Public Address System (scripts) to inform patrons.
    • If possible, seek shelter in areas without hazards (e.g. chemicals, fume hoods, water tanks, loose material, etc.)
    • If possible, warn anyone outside the building to immediately enter and encourage those inside to stay
    • If a weather incident, go to the lowest level of the building, stay in interior hallways, away from glass doors and windows.
    • If an outside chemical or hazardous material causes the sheltering, move everyone to the 2nd or 3rd floors of the building.
      • Close exterior doors and windows
      • Shut down the building’s air handling system (procedure?)
    • Continue with daily activity inside and remain calm. Supervisors should try and account for their staff and student employees
    • Monitor TV, radio or website news, if possible.
    • Be prepared to conduct immediate evacuation if told to do so.
    • Wait for official notice to resume normal activities. Library Administration may communicate updates by email.
      • By OSUAlert notification
      • By emergency personnel announcing "all clear" (it is acceptable to ask for official identification prior to unlocking the door)
      • Telephonic notification from the University
      • University website
    • Report problems or concerns to library administration.

Source: OSU Emergency Management 

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