

Earthquake Response

If you feel an earthquake:

  1. Drop, Cover and Hold-on. Protect yourself.
    • Stay away from glass
    • Do not use a doorway unless you know it is a load-bearing doorway
    • Do not exit the building while shaking is going on. Falling debris can kill you
    • Do not use elevators
    • Do not pull fire alarm
  2. Evacuate the building after the shaking stops - be aware of aftershocks. 
    • If outside during the shaking, move away from buildings or other objects that could fall
    • Bring only items you can easily grab, including backpacks especially packed with emergency gear, coat, hat, phone, essentials (e.g. handbag).
  3. Recovery
    • Do not re-enter a building until it has been seismically inspected
    • Expect aftershocks and more building damage to occur
    • Extinguish small fires
    • Follow OSU guidance for follow-on activities.

Great Oregon Shake Out

The library began participating in the Great Oregon Shake Out in 2015. This earthquake drill occurs each Oct. around the 20th and consists of 60 sec of practicing drop, cover and hold. We encourage all staff and student assistants to participate.

The Valley Safety Committee participates by announcing the drill before the event and conducting the drill using the public address system. This script is read over the PA:

This is an earthquake drill. Right now, DROP, COVER, AND HOLD ON.

DROP to the floor now. During a large earthquake, the ground might
jerk strongly and knock you down.

Take COVER under something sturdy, to protect yourself from objects that might be thrown across the room.

HOLD ON to your shelter until the shaking stops.

If you can’t get under something, stay low and protect your head and neck with your arms. 

Now look around. What objects might fall or be thrown at you, that you should secure in place before a real earthquake?

Finally, a strong earthquake may generate a tsunami. If you're near the ocean during an earthquake, DROP, COVER, and HOLD ON, then quickly walk to high ground after the shaking stops.

This drill is over. Thank you for taking part in the Great ShakeOut!

The OSU Emergency Manager will send out a survey for those who did participate and everyone should receive an alert through the OSU Alert system. 


Great Shake Out PowerPoint Presentation for Higher Ed