2015-02-09 Meeting Notes

2015-02-09 Meeting Notes

Coordinator: Bryan

Minutes: Bryan

Present: Bryan, Don, Elizabeth, Katie


  1. Disaster Readiness Test
    1. Reviewed the Disaster Readiness questions from the webinar “Disaster Readiness in Libraries”
    2. Scored 8.5 out of 12. Most libraries score 0-5.
    3. Improvements needed include
      1. More involvement in 72-hour home readiness for disasters
      2. Different types of drills. Currently only general building evacuation.
      3. Disaster team exercises. Scenarios are created for the team to practice.
        1. Don will check with LAMP on whether they would like to participate during spring term.
    4. One page service continuity plan. Pocket plan may cover this.
    5. Unsure whether we have mutual aid agreements with other libraries
      1. Don will check with Cheryl
  2. Library Disaster Recovery Plan Update
    1. Committee members volunteered to complete sections of the dPlan
      1. Bryan - Review and updating of plan (Intro)
      2. Katie - Evacuation Procedures (sec. 1:1)
      3. Don - Emergency Call List – phone numbers (sec. 1.3)
      4. Don - List of Staff/Key Personnel – home phone numbers (sec. 1.4)
      5. Katie - Disaster Response Team – Evivva’s replacement, add Beth (sec. 1.5)
      6. Bryan - Salvage Priorities (sec. 1.8)
      7. Bryan - Initial Response Steps – Assess the Damage (sec. 1.9.2)
      8. Don - Appendix C: In-House Supplies
      9. Bryan - Appendix E: Record Keeping Forms – building incident form, bomb threat form
      10. Bryan - Appendix F: Salvage Priorities – Overall Institutional Salvage Priorities
      11. Bryan - Appendix G: Floor plans – insert into pdf copy
      12. Bryan - Appendix H: Insurance Information
      13. Don - Appendix J: Emergency Funds
      14. Elizabeth - Appendix M: Pre-Disaster Communication with Emergency Services
  3. Safety In Motion
    1. Elizabeth and Bryan are now certified in Safety in Motion training
    2. They will present at the Feb. 12 Admin Briefing
    3. Bryan has begun training Circulation students and staff
  4. Staging Areas
    1. Don provided library departments and staging areas for each
    2. Bryan presented a draft map of the staging areas
    3. Final draft map by next meeting to be reviewed by dept. heads and LAMP
  5. Pocket Emergency Response Plan
    1. Katie will have a draft finished by next meeting
  6. Evacuation Signage
    1. Don will be scheduling another Active Shooter assessment by campus safety. The first one seems to have been lost by public safety.
    2. Bryan will contact Mike Bamberger
    3. Donna has contact Jim Patton but no response yet
  7. GOSH Conference
    1. The Oregon Governor’s Occupational Safety & Health Conference will be held in Portland March 9-12
    2. Contact Bryan if you are interested in attending one day.
    3. More information at http://oregongosh.com/
  8. PA Announcements during Emergencies
    1. Committee will review our emergency procedures and determine if there are emergencies where PA announcements would be helpful but not confusing

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