2019-10-02 Meeting Notes

2019-10-02 Meeting Notes

Coordinator: Bryan

Minutes: Bryan

Present: Bryan Feyerherm, Chris Ervin, Don Frier, Elizabeth Thomas, Daniel Moret, Sagan Wallace, Kerri Goergen-Doll, Jim Spolerich


  1. Bridge Library Safety Essentials Training Program
    1. Don shared that the training program has a couple of sections finished and need to create some videos. About a couple months away from being finished.
  2. Oct. Admin Briefing Presentation
    1. Sagan and Don can help with the presentation, Elizabeth and Dan can help with preparation, and Don can create the quiz through Kahoots.
    2. Will have general safety reminders along with threat evacuation review. About 15-20 min.
    3. Bryan will prepare draft for everyone to review.
  3. Fall Term Building Evacuation Schedule
    1. Determined a date and time for an unannounced fall term building evacuation.
  4. UHSC Threat Evacuation Summary Presentation
    1. Rachel and Bryan gave a short presentation in Sept. to the University Health & Safety Committee about the library's experience with the threat evacuation in June.
    2. Committee was impressed with how library admin and staff adapted to the situation and how we collected patron belongings in a systematic way to be picked up when the library re-opened.
    1. Would be interested in seeing the Emergency Flow Chart being developed by the committee.
  5. Great Shakeout 2019
    1. Committee commented on how we would like to participate in this years Great Shakeout schedule for Oct. 17 at 10:17am.
    2. Will make a PA announcement at that time to at least make patron aware of the event and the possibility of a major earthquake happening at any time.
    3. Will create a poster for the large kiosk at the library entrance.
    4. Will invite departments/units to participate in the drill.
    5. Will have earthquake informational material available for patrons.
  6. Threat Evacuation Summary Follow Up
    1. Committee reviewed improvements still needed involving threat situations
      1. Communicating with student employees - will recommend student supervisors create a message text tree or use WTW Alert messaging to share information sent out by library admin.
      2. Emergency exit/stairwell location signage - may have to wait until we hire another building space coordinator.
      3. Floor monitoring training - will introduce at the Oct. Admin Briefing presentation
      4. Safe building locations - Don is in contact with Pharmacy, Kidder and Stag and working on creating an MOU between the buildings.
      5. Threat situation procedures - Bryan will begin a draft for all to review.
      6. Emergency flow chart - Rachel and Bryan have begun creating a draft.
  7. Safety Week Review
    1. Don, Jim, Kerri and Elizabeth did a great job on creating the informational emails and quizzes.
    2. Next year will offer Floor Monitor training
    3. About 20 people showed up for Fire Extinguisher training
  8. Active Shooter Training
    1. Elizabeth and Ecampus are arranging with Susan Tannebaum for dept. active shooting training.
    2. Training will be about an hour and Ecampus admin will be scheduling a time with Suzy.
    3. Bryan will follow up with Suzy to determine what the training consists of and work on developing procedures for everyone.

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