2019-10-02 Meeting Notes
2019-10-02 Meeting Notes
Coordinator: Bryan
Minutes: Bryan
Present: Bryan Feyerherm, Chris Ervin, Don Frier, Elizabeth Thomas, Daniel Moret, Sagan Wallace, Kerri Goergen-Doll, Jim Spolerich
- Bridge Library Safety Essentials Training Program
- Don shared that the training program has a couple of sections finished and need to create some videos. About a couple months away from being finished.
- Oct. Admin Briefing Presentation
- Sagan and Don can help with the presentation, Elizabeth and Dan can help with preparation, and Don can create the quiz through Kahoots.
- Will have general safety reminders along with threat evacuation review. About 15-20 min.
- Bryan will prepare draft for everyone to review.
- Fall Term Building Evacuation Schedule
- Determined a date and time for an unannounced fall term building evacuation.
- UHSC Threat Evacuation Summary Presentation
- Rachel and Bryan gave a short presentation in Sept. to the University Health & Safety Committee about the library's experience with the threat evacuation in June.
- Committee was impressed with how library admin and staff adapted to the situation and how we collected patron belongings in a systematic way to be picked up when the library re-opened.
- Would be interested in seeing the Emergency Flow Chart being developed by the committee.
- Great Shakeout 2019
- Committee commented on how we would like to participate in this years Great Shakeout schedule for Oct. 17 at 10:17am.
- Will make a PA announcement at that time to at least make patron aware of the event and the possibility of a major earthquake happening at any time.
- Will create a poster for the large kiosk at the library entrance.
- Will invite departments/units to participate in the drill.
- Will have earthquake informational material available for patrons.
- Threat Evacuation Summary Follow Up
- Committee reviewed improvements still needed involving threat situations
- Communicating with student employees - will recommend student supervisors create a message text tree or use WTW Alert messaging to share information sent out by library admin.
- Emergency exit/stairwell location signage - may have to wait until we hire another building space coordinator.
- Floor monitoring training - will introduce at the Oct. Admin Briefing presentation
- Safe building locations - Don is in contact with Pharmacy, Kidder and Stag and working on creating an MOU between the buildings.
- Threat situation procedures - Bryan will begin a draft for all to review.
- Emergency flow chart - Rachel and Bryan have begun creating a draft.
- Committee reviewed improvements still needed involving threat situations
- Safety Week Review
- Don, Jim, Kerri and Elizabeth did a great job on creating the informational emails and quizzes.
- Next year will offer Floor Monitor training
- About 20 people showed up for Fire Extinguisher training
- Active Shooter Training
- Elizabeth and Ecampus are arranging with Susan Tannebaum for dept. active shooting training.
- Training will be about an hour and Ecampus admin will be scheduling a time with Suzy.
- Bryan will follow up with Suzy to determine what the training consists of and work on developing procedures for everyone.
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