2016-09-07 Meeting Notes

2016-09-07 Meeting Notes

Present: Bryan, Dan, Don, Ed, Elizabeth, Philip, Zac


  1. Library Admin Briefing Presentation Review
    1. Elizabeth, Ed and Philip presented at the Aug. library briefing
    2. All went well and many enjoyed the safety quiz game and prizes
  2. Simplicity Training
    1. Bryan and Elizabeth attended Simplicity training last week. 
    2. It is a condensed version of the 4 module Safety in Motion program.
  3. Safety Walk Update
    1. Zac, Don, Bryan, and Elizabeth participated in the annual Safety Walk intiated by the University Health & Safety Committee.
    2. Zac submitted the safety concerns and will report back on facilities responses.
  4. Safety Week Prep (Sept. 12-16)
    1. Bryan will send out a Safety Week announcement on Sept. 8.
    2. Daily safety info emails and quizzes
      1. A raffle will be conducted for each daily email quiz respondents as well as a grand prize at the end of the week
      2. Bryan has scheduled a grand prize meeting on Sept. 16 from 3:30 - 4pm.
      3. Don has ordered the grand prize. Part of the grand prize will be the honor of pulling the fire alarm for the evacuation drill.
      4. Schedule
        1. Monday (Bryan) - Evacuations and Safety Essentials
        2. Tuesday (Elizabeth) - Earthquakes
        3. Wednesday (Don) - Survival Preparedness
        4. Thursday (Ed) - Fire
        5. Friday (Philip) - Medical Emergencies
    3. Autumn will display all of the digital safety posters on the lobby kiosk during the week
    4. We have 15 attendees so far for first aid/CPR training
    5. Evacuation drill has been scheduled and fire marshall Jim Patton will review
      1. will need to assign monitors beforehand
  5. The Great Shakeout 
    1. schedule for Oct. 20 at 10:20am this year
    2. will check on a better method of inputting the recording into the PA
  6. Disaster Recovery Plan
    1. Don and Bryan will meet with Mike Bamberger next week to clarify information related to the OSU Emergency Management Plan
    2. Individual assignments are progressing and goal to finishing by Oct. meeting.