2016-09-07 Meeting Notes
2016-09-07 Meeting Notes
Present: Bryan, Dan, Don, Ed, Elizabeth, Philip, Zac
- Library Admin Briefing Presentation Review
- Elizabeth, Ed and Philip presented at the Aug. library briefing
- All went well and many enjoyed the safety quiz game and prizes
- Simplicity Training
- Bryan and Elizabeth attended Simplicity training last week.
- It is a condensed version of the 4 module Safety in Motion program.
- Safety Walk Update
- Zac, Don, Bryan, and Elizabeth participated in the annual Safety Walk intiated by the University Health & Safety Committee.
- Zac submitted the safety concerns and will report back on facilities responses.
- Safety Week Prep (Sept. 12-16)
- Bryan will send out a Safety Week announcement on Sept. 8.
- Daily safety info emails and quizzes
- A raffle will be conducted for each daily email quiz respondents as well as a grand prize at the end of the week
- Bryan has scheduled a grand prize meeting on Sept. 16 from 3:30 - 4pm.
- Don has ordered the grand prize. Part of the grand prize will be the honor of pulling the fire alarm for the evacuation drill.
- Schedule
- Monday (Bryan) - Evacuations and Safety Essentials
- Tuesday (Elizabeth) - Earthquakes
- Wednesday (Don) - Survival Preparedness
- Thursday (Ed) - Fire
- Friday (Philip) - Medical Emergencies
- Autumn will display all of the digital safety posters on the lobby kiosk during the week
- We have 15 attendees so far for first aid/CPR training
- Evacuation drill has been scheduled and fire marshall Jim Patton will review
- will need to assign monitors beforehand
- The Great Shakeout
- schedule for Oct. 20 at 10:20am this year
- will check on a better method of inputting the recording into the PA
- Disaster Recovery Plan
- Don and Bryan will meet with Mike Bamberger next week to clarify information related to the OSU Emergency Management Plan
- Individual assignments are progressing and goal to finishing by Oct. meeting.
, multiple selections available,