2018-01-17 Meeting Notes

2018-01-17 Meeting Notes

Coordinator: Bryan

Minutes: Bryan

Present: Bryan, Don, Elizabeth, Phillip, Rachel


  1. Evacuation Signage
    1. Rachel shared an example of evac route signage as part of library wayfinding signage
    2. Committee agreed this was a good idea and Bryan will place graphic request to have evac route maps included with future library wayfinding.
  2. Valley Fire Safety Inspection
    1. Rachel shared the most recent Fire Safety Inspection report for the library building
    2. Issues needing to be addressed included stair well fire doors not working properly, extinguishers needing attention, circuit panel labeling, and outside vegatation trimming.
  3. Admin Briefing Presentation
    1. We have been invited to present about library safety equipment at the Feb. 16 Admin Briefing.
    2. Bryan, Don, Phillip, Rachel and Elizabeth have shown interest in participating.
    3. Bryan will set up a meeting to prep for the presentation
  4. Library Emergency Survival Supplies
    1. committee was asked to review the need for storing emergency survival supplies in the library
    2. Bryan did some research and shared links for worst case scenarios
    3. Committee felt the the library would never be truly isolated in any scenario so could not recommend storing survival supplies. We may suggest personal survival kits for staff/faculty.
  5. SCARC Member
    1. Bryan will check with Larry Landis in getting a SCARC member on the committee.
  6. Valley Library Emergency Operation Plan (EOP)
    1. Committee is finalizing the plan to submit to Emergency Management
    2. Reviewed and discussed part of the appendices
    3. Don will give it a review focusing on administration roles
    4. Once finished, the library will sign off for OSU Emergency Mannagent records. It will also be used as the emergency piece of the library disaster recovery plan.