2022-07-06 Meeting notes

2022-07-06 Meeting notes



Discussion items


Call to Order

Additions to the Agenda

5 min.University Health and Safety Committee ReportRachel
  • Met June 22. Rachel volunteered for safety walk.
  • Rachel will send out invites to do the walk; this is optional
  • Nominations and elections
  • Accident reports mostly off-campus work
  • Discussed fire safety inspections. Ours are usually in December.
  • Updates to heat index policy for campus. Primarily concerns outdoor work conditions.
  • Can impact outside projects and slow progress.
  • Transitioning to new system for safety training
10 min.Incident Reports Follow UpSagan

June 14

  • Medical emergency in Guin
  • Have not heard about any need for follow-up from Safety Council
  • Mary is waiting to hear back from Admin there about what she could do better.
  • Student hurt their hand, but were able to take care of it as they are in training to be an EMT.

Elevator outage

  • Intercom in the elevator didn't work. Follow-up needs to be done.

Overhead sprinkler breaking

  • Sprinkler by the new books was hit and broke. Large amounts of water began pouring out.
  • Books were guarded against water by people standing in front of them.
  • Last sprinkler that needed to be repaired. It had been incorrectly installed so it broke during replacement.

June 22

  • Patron had another patron follow her into a study room and tried to inappropriately touch her.
  • She declined and comments were made about the purpose of study rooms.
  • Patron filed a complaint with the Circulation desk. Wasn't willing to wait around for Public Safety.
    • Kenna asked why the student seemed to be unwilling to wait around.
    • Incident report said she expressed she was satisfied with filing the complaint and didn't want to do more.
  • Student employee took down the information. Staff investigated by going to the study room and then filed an Incident Report.
    • Kenna asked if the entire report occurred at the desk instead of taking her aside.
    • More training will occur since student employee tried to resolve the entire thing on her own and a staff member should probably have been pulled into the interaction.
  • Sagan filed a Sexual Misconduct report as well. Sagan would like this form linked to the Incident Report form like the Bias Incident is linked.
  • Have name of targeted student and first name of patron who targeted her.
  • Sagan realized we lack detailed instructions for handling this type of incident. Staff who handled it did the best they could but weren't sure what they were supposed to do.
15 min.Incident Reports DocumentationSagan
  • Fuller debriefs after incidents like the sexual misconduct would provide an opportunity for better documentation and training materials.
    • Not sure how that debrief would be delivered or the timeline for the debrief.
    • Important to make sure included information is accurate and done too quickly could lead to misinformation.
  • Perhaps put past Incident Reports up on the wiki as a resource to see how previous incidents were handled.
    • Perhaps explanation of how we handled the various events.
    • Including information much be done carefully.
  • Also discussed routine emails that address various incident reports and how they were handled.
    • Rachel asked what these emails should look like.
    • Sagan mentioned links to information about self-care specifically for sexual misconduct incidents.
  • Rachel mentioned that Incident reports used to be discussed in weekly Circulation meetings in LEAD since LEAD does handle the majority of incidents.
    • Debriefing sooner is often better in terms of feeling relevant.
    • These debriefs are still done during LEAD staff meeting. Sagan is hoping for something more concrete, especially for those who might miss the meetings such as a written summary.
    • Sagan feels the specifics of how those written summaries go out should be discussed by Safety Council.
    • Sagan suggested that perhaps we just start doing it and see how it goes.
    • Kenna suggested starting with something such as an elevator incident report.
    • Email would include info about what happened, what was done, and links to learn more about how to handle such a situation.
  • Karl suggested filling out practice Incident Reports during Inservice.
    • Asked if this is something we want to include in Safety Week training.
    • Could make a copy of the Qualtrics form and use that for Safety week so the practice reports don't get intermingled with real incidents.
    • Several agreed that seeing the form before you have need for it would be helpful.
  • Sagan discussed a database of past Incident Reports which Rachel mentioned is currently in the Safety Council Google Drive.
  • Kenna asked about de-escalation training as it related to incidents and what suggestions some of those training resources might offer.
  • Sagan asked for someone to take lead in the debrief emails. Lucinda volunteered.
    • Discussed timeline for debrief and suggested within a week.
    • Ways to allow for input from other council members. Perhaps a Google Doc for people to throw in information if they feel strongly.
    • Need to filter or create a threshold for how many emails we are sending out based on reports. Perhaps incidents that require outside units.
    • Be sure to include Mary, especially for Guin incidents.
    • How to handle partner spaces incidents? Perhaps to figure this out on a case-by-case basis.
  • Sagan asked if we are going to announce this new process? Probably just address that in the first one that goes out.
10 min.

Safety Week Check In

  • Review Safety Week on the wiki and last year's post discussion
  • Fire extinguisher training-no one signed up for the last one (no flames were involved–may have been a factor?)
  • Karl isn't sure a soundtrack will happen this year.
  • Post-apocalyptic are very gun or pandemic heavy which is probably not where we want to go right now.
  • Would like to have some kind of first aid training during this week.
    • Perhaps have people open up the first aid kits to see what is in there and discuss what is what.
    • Locate the first aid kits.
  • Lots of talk of octopus stickers. How to earn them.
    • Find a first aid kit
    • Complete an Incident report
    • How to use contents of a first aid kit
10 min.

Safety Trainings

  • CPR/First Aid/AED (Rachel)
  • De-escalation (Sagan)
  • First Aid/CPR training scheduled August 9-10. Sign up link has not been sent out yet from Dixon.
    • Rachel plans to send out information to the Library very soon after confirming with Safety Council the dates work.
    • Will give people about a week to respond before committing to dates and times.
  • Sagan doing a trial run training with LEAD before giving to entire library and eventually offering to partners
    • CPI-Crisis Prevention Institute which is different than the White Bird training.
5 min.Action Item and ReviewLucinda

Action items

  • Sagan and Kenna will work on a way to keep practice Incident Reports from intermingling with actual Incident Reports.
  • Lucinda will take lead on Incident report email debriefs
  • Lucinda will follow up on elevator intercom system.
  • Rachel will send out email about first-aid/cpr training
  • Karl/Kenna/Derrick will continue to plan Safety Week events
  • Sagan will continue to work on de-escalation training development.

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