2022-06-02 Meeting notes

2022-06-02 Meeting notes



Discussion items


Call to OrderRachel

Additions to AgendaRachel
5 minUHSC ReportRachel
  • Updates to AED policy across campus including encouraging people across campus to update their AEDs
  • Safety incidents with robots
  • Electric skateboards and scooters-no official policy-several incidents across campus
  • Safety walks - usually divide campus into sections and each member takes a section to walk and report safety issues.
  • New committee president discussions
5 minIncident ReportsSagan

May 22

  • Statement written on student white board
  • Reported to DPS

May 26

  • Public elevator was stuck with someone in it.
  • Kristen was the primary responder.
  • Patron was not stuck very long.
  • Call out button in the elevator didn't work but the elevator was going off.
  • Patron was able to text with a friend and friend informed them help was coming.
  • Fire department needed to be called because DPS couldn't get them out.
  • Should follow up with Facilities about notification of event between DPS and Facilities. Lucinda can do this.
15 minSafety WeekKarl, Derrick, Lucinda

Last year: Had one idea that didn't translate to reality but came up with another idea.

  • Each day during safety week, an email goes out to cover a different safety topic.
  • Try to make the emails fun and lighthearted, but also with useful information
  • Last year asked for soundtrack suggestions for each day's theme.
  • Put together compilation and gave out prizes for suggestions.
  • Do we know what this year will look like with Covid-seem to have reached endemic, but we are not certain.
    • Several places are going back and forth on masking requirements
    • Probably shouldn't give up on hybrid options although most people are pushing for in-person events.
    • May need a hybrid option for those who require accommodations due to health concerns.
  • Do we want to continue with the safety week emails? They have been done consistently for at least 10 years.
  • In person events–would like to do fun items that are outdoors.
  • Need to set dates soon. Traditionally done week 0 or the last week of intersession.
  • Partners can do space specific safety trainings. Rachel can help facilitate those.

This year:

  • Do we want to do it after Fall term starts like last year or move it back to earlier.
    • Teresa likes later because it involves students
    • Erin agrees it is nice to include students in the events (such as including them in the emails–student employees distro list).
    • Erin suggests not week 1 if we are going to do it after term starts.
    • Perhaps week 3 (week of October 10)
    • Library Inservice also hits in September so later gives staff some breathing room for planning.
  • Discussed who might be involved in planning this year
    • Kenna, Karl, Derrick
  • Discussed potential ideas for activities
    • Passport idea?
    • Disaster film festival? How do these show what not to do? Disaster Bingo?
    • Can refer to meeting minutes from last year both in planning and discussions post-safety week.
10 min

Safety Trainings

  • CPR/First Aid/AED
  • De-escalation
  • Lockdown/Active Shooter
Rachel, All

CPR/First Aid/AED trainings had to be cancelled due to Covid.

  • Rachel is in contact with Dixon to schedule trainings and get folks signed up.
  • Hybrid model. Some parts online. In-person portion at Dixon for an hour.
  • We can do two different time slots for the in-person portion. 8-12 people per class. Online portion done asynchronously.
  • Do a call-out for current certifications to update wiki as part of this.
  • Rachel will send out an email asking folks about First Aid/AED/CPR training to gauge interest and determine who is already certified.

De-escalation Training

  • Sagan and Rachel have not done any trainings yet primarily due to Covid.
  • Do we want to continue to offer this for staff and students?
    • Erin mentioned it is important for LEAD students.
    • Lucinda feels there will be an ongoing need for staff and can also be reassuring for staff to be reminded that you can step away and get help when faced with confrontation.

Lockdown/Active Shooter Training

  • Have not done in quite some time.
  • 2019 there was a brief presentation done by DPS.
  • How do we offer this in a supportive, caring way that doesn't further traumatize folks?
    • Need to make sure the training is accurate and data driven.
    • Doing the same training we did last time may not be what we should be doing now as trainings are being re-evaluated.
    • Should look at at trauma-informed approach in every aspect of this training.
    • Many students who have grown up with active shooter trainings at school have been traumatized by this.
    • Training should be designed to library context.
  • Discussion of de-escalation training vs. active shooter training.
  • EHS and DPS are responsible for much of the safety training.
  • Rachel can check in with the DPS chief about whether they are looking at updating the active shooter training.
  • Suggested that de-escalation training should probably be prioritized.

Disaster Recovery PlanRachel, Karl
  • Looking at reformatting the plan, not very user-friendly.
  • Members of the group are each taking a section and reworking them.
  • Large group working on the plan.
  • New areas such as the new offsite storage area are being added to the plan.
5 minAction Item ReviewLucinda

Relevant Links:

Emergency Operations Plan for the Valley Library building

Safety Training Schedule

Oregon State University Libraries and Press Safety Advisory Committee wiki

Disaster Recovery Plan

Safety Council Purpose and Priorities

Action items

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