2019-08-23 Meeting Notes

2019-08-23 Meeting Notes

Coordinator: Bryan

Minutes: Bryan

Present: Kerri, Jim, Elizabeth, Bryan


  1. Threat Evacuation Review
    1. Reviewed the June Threat Evacuation summary shared with Faye.
    2. Question about how student employees would be notified. Not on the OSU Alert tree.
    3. Safety Committee will present at the Sept. Admin Briefing
  2. Safety Week Planning
    1. In-House fire extinguisher training - Sept. 16, 2-3pm
    2. First Aid/CPR training reminder
    3. Kiosk safety slides - Bryan will arrange with Autumn
    4. Floor monitoring training - Bryan will check with Mark Becker at Emergency Management about scheduling
    5. Daily Topical Emails and Quiz
      1. Monday - Bryan (First Aid Kits)
      2. Tuesday - Elizabeth (Earthquakes)
      3. Wednesday - Jim
      4. Thursday - Kerri
      5. Friday - Don (in absentia)
  3. Aug. Evacuation Drill Review
    1. Door monitor radios have been replaced
    2. Fall drill should include focus on accounting for employees and reporting to Faye (or designee)
  4. Safety Wiki Update
    1. Invited committee members to review Safety Wiki site and revise as needed
  5. Disaster Recover Plan
    1. Bryan will send out a list of sections needing review and committee members can volunteer

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