2018-08-20 Meeting Notes

2018-08-20 Meeting Notes

Coordinator: Bryan

Minutes: Bryan

Present: Dan, Elizabeth, Don, Bryan, Rachel, Teresa


  1. Safety Week - Sept 10 to 14
    1. Fire Extinguisher Training - Sept. 13 from 10-11am in front of the clock tower. 
    2. Evacuation Drill - will happen early fall term. Don will check LAMP schedules for any conflicts before determining a time.
    3. Informational Email - Bryan will draft a Safety Week announcement before Safety week. Committee will review before sending out on Sept. 7.
    4. First Aid/CPR Training - Bryan will check on options to continue in-house training including Dixon and Student Health Center. Bryan will also check on who needs to finish last years online training (good for 2 years).
    5. Safety Topic Emails, Quizzes and Prizes
      1. committee members will send out daily emails with quizzes. Those who reply will be entered into a raffle for daily and a grand prize. Bryan will obtain daily prizes and Don the grand prize.
        1. Tues Sept. 11 - Evacuations - Elizabeth
        2. Wed Sept. 12 - Active Shooter Events - Dan
        3. Thur Sept. 13 - Go Bags - Don
        4. Fri Sept. 14 - ??? - Phillip
    6. Admin Briefing - will plan on doing a safety presentation at the Oct. Admin Briefing. 
  2. Active Shooter Event Information
    1. Bryan will draft an informational email for review to include the new FAQ and Procedures
    2. Bryan will check with Suzy Tannenbaum about officers working with work areas to review Active Shooter events
    3. Also will see if Suzy Tannenbaum can give another presentation fall term
  3. EOP and Disaster Plan
    1. Don will finish the EOP and Bryan the Library Recovery Plan. 
    2. Bryan will send out assignments to update Disaster Recovery Plan information
  4. Workplace Ergonomics
    1. Rachel shared some new SAIF Workplace Ergonomics handouts
    2. Would like to incorporate in training new employees. The EH&S website (https://ehs.oregonstate.edu/ergonomics) has many resources.
    3. Library needs guidelines for workplace ergonomics. Bryan will begin a draft.

Next meeting Sept. 17 2-3pm.