2018-08-20 Meeting Notes
2018-08-20 Meeting Notes
Coordinator: Bryan
Minutes: Bryan
Present: Dan, Elizabeth, Don, Bryan, Rachel, Teresa
- Safety Week - Sept 10 to 14
- Fire Extinguisher Training - Sept. 13 from 10-11am in front of the clock tower.
- Evacuation Drill - will happen early fall term. Don will check LAMP schedules for any conflicts before determining a time.
- Informational Email - Bryan will draft a Safety Week announcement before Safety week. Committee will review before sending out on Sept. 7.
- First Aid/CPR Training - Bryan will check on options to continue in-house training including Dixon and Student Health Center. Bryan will also check on who needs to finish last years online training (good for 2 years).
- Safety Topic Emails, Quizzes and Prizes
- committee members will send out daily emails with quizzes. Those who reply will be entered into a raffle for daily and a grand prize. Bryan will obtain daily prizes and Don the grand prize.
- Tues Sept. 11 - Evacuations - Elizabeth
- Wed Sept. 12 - Active Shooter Events - Dan
- Thur Sept. 13 - Go Bags - Don
- Fri Sept. 14 - ??? - Phillip
- committee members will send out daily emails with quizzes. Those who reply will be entered into a raffle for daily and a grand prize. Bryan will obtain daily prizes and Don the grand prize.
- Admin Briefing - will plan on doing a safety presentation at the Oct. Admin Briefing.
- Active Shooter Event Information
- Bryan will draft an informational email for review to include the new FAQ and Procedures
- Bryan will check with Suzy Tannenbaum about officers working with work areas to review Active Shooter events
- Also will see if Suzy Tannenbaum can give another presentation fall term
- EOP and Disaster Plan
- Don will finish the EOP and Bryan the Library Recovery Plan.
- Bryan will send out assignments to update Disaster Recovery Plan information
- Workplace Ergonomics
- Rachel shared some new SAIF Workplace Ergonomics handouts
- Would like to incorporate in training new employees. The EH&S website (https://ehs.oregonstate.edu/ergonomics) has many resources.
- Library needs guidelines for workplace ergonomics. Bryan will begin a draft.
Next meeting Sept. 17 2-3pm.
, multiple selections available,